marine animal,marine creature,sea animal animal,animate being,beast,creature,fauna,brute- a living organism characterized by voluntary movement bycatch,by-catch- unwanted marine creatures that are caught in the nets while fishing for another species; "thousands of dolphins and porpoises and whales are... thing,being,animal,beast,brute,critter(U.S. dialect),quadruped,dumb animal,lower animalMany cultures believe that every living creature possesses a spirit. 2.person,man,woman,individual,character,fellow,soul,human being,mortal,body,wight(archaic)He is one of the most amiable creatures in...
It takes place in a fantasy world somewhere between “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Moby Dick.” The King and Queen have placed a bounty on sea monsters, enormous creatures that seem to be part whale, part octopus, part shark, and all scary. The kingdom’s most admired heroes are th...
MARK OF THE BEAST A Collection of Werewolf Stories Every civilization has some story or legend of creatures half man and half beast. Indigenous native peoples around the world held beliefs about shamans and witch doctors who could transform themselves into animals. The ancient Egyptians worshiped a...
Set in a world of fantastic creatures and tall-ships verisimilitude circa 1700, The Sea Beast weds cartoon stylization with striking photorealism. The rendering of water — the movie’s main milieu — is especially powerful, whether the filmmakers are capturing its surface roil and glitter or plun...
However, there's much more to creatures than a type. They’re the backbone of the game. Magic would suffer from losing any card type but couldn’t exist without creatures. Most decks win with creatures. How this happens varies wildly; you have aggressive decks that swarm the board with ...
While sharks don't kill nearly as many people as other animals on this list, they are still one of the sea creatures you don't want to mess with. Maybe it's the multiple rows of dagger-sharp teeth or the size of their huge mouths which can swallow you whole that makes them one of...
Along the way, they learn new information about sea beasts like the Red Bluster, information that forces them to change their worldview. Even though she's an orphan because of the monsters, Maisie tries her best to understand the creatures. It takes Jacob, who's been hunting monsters for ...
The Beast out of the Sea - The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with
So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.New Living TranslationSo God created great sea creatures and ...