She called me a fake fox. I laughed. All of it was unforgiveable. I accused her of wanting to bite my balls off: she cursed me with her eye, and I felt it settle over me like some sort of whitening ague, like something that might bring down a tree in about fifty years.‘My test...
"The Three-Eyed King has long awaited this moment, the hour of which his destiny is at last unveiled. He leads an army of madness and rage, against which no sane being would willingly stand. Perhaps I am not sane, as I will fight one last time. Not for v
And, of course, there is the scratching. My mother has arthritic hands. After one giant monopoly board, she was worse off than Jerry Seinfeld after signing his Japanese royalty cheques. One can only hope that she wins a huge payoff. If only so she can afford laser eye repair and physiot...
The single sided screws are so much easier to size and if you are like me with a not so steady hand, this is the preferable design in order to prevent scratching up the sides of the links. Thanks to its moving horns, the watch fits perfectly even around a slim wrist and can ...
She gave the horse’s chin a deliberate, final scratching. “Yes, my lord.” Baron Sutcliffe, was entirely too big to stalk about a busy stable as quietly as a hungry tom cat. He spoke softly too, in the cultured tones of a gentleman, but Chesterton had paled at the sight of his ...
lime avenues, ponds, and villages exactly like those in the Bibliothèque Rose – she thought she must, at any moment, see Sophie in her white dress and unnaturally small black pumps cutting up goldfish, gorging herself on new bread and cream, or scratching the face of good, uncomplaining ...
North America’s ancient bald cypress forests have told scientists about history’s legendary droughts and wet periods. Now they’re warning us about the future.
t have AC and you celebrate this holiday in the middle of Australian fucking Summer, then Christmas Day swatting away flies from the food, scratching mozzie bites on your arms and hearing Aunty Shazza scream at the top of her lungs because she’s had one too many and someone left the ...
to a fresh page in the old journal, a long ago gift from a long dead husband, and she continued to write with a shaking hand. Here’s what my daddy told me, as he lay there in that hospital bed. It’s been over 50 years, but I remember every word. Most nights I lay awake ...
One year, a mother told me during our parent conference that her daughter was really enjoying my class, and the mother was happy about this because the girl had some problems the previous year during third grade. I told the mother this shocked me because she was such a spectacular kid, ve...