the scopes trial 译文 the scopes trial译文 "The Scopes Trial"的中文翻译可以是"斯科普斯审判"。这是指美国历史上发生在1925年的一场著名法庭审判,全名为"The State of Tennessee v.John Thomas Scopes",通常简称为"Scopes Trial"。这场审判涉及田纳西州一名教师约翰·托马斯·斯科普斯(John Thomas Scopes)...
thescopestrial网络可布案 网络释义 1. 可布案 ...只要回想教会的对伽利略的逼迫、出名的1925年之史可布案(TheScopesTrial),或一百年前威伯福士主教(Wilberforce) …|基于18个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
The Scopes Trial (1925) and the Scottsboro Trial (1931-1937) were two crucial legal cases in American history that highlighted tensions in social values and differences in public opinion at the time. Discover the ins and outs of each case, why they are considered so important, and how they...
Define The Scopes Trial. The Scopes Trial synonyms, The Scopes Trial pronunciation, The Scopes Trial translation, English dictionary definition of The Scopes Trial. Noun 1. Scopes trial - a highly publicized trial in 1925 when John Thomas Scopes violated
Limitations of the digital-phosphor- oscilloscope mode in the TDS 7000 series from Tektronix Inc.; Summary of eight tests proposed by LeCroy and Tektronix respectively for product performance appraisal; Summary of the throughput results. INSETS: JITTER DISCREPANCIES: NOT EXPLAINED;PARTICIPANTS' ...
The Scopes trial began on 10 June 1925 and ended on 21 June after all the evidence was presented to the court. In an effort to prohibit Bryan, renowned for his oratory skills, from speaking, Darrow requested that the jury find his client guilty. The jury voted one time and returned a ...
释义请查阅词条:Scopes Trial, the 随便看 inseparably in series insert insertable inserted inserter inserting insertion insertional inserts in-service in service inservice in-service courses in-services in-service training in-service training/courses etc ...
The Scopes trial began on 10 June 1925 and ended on 21 June after all the evidence was presented to the court. In an effort to prohibit Bryan, renowned for his oratory skills, from speaking, Darrow requested that the jury find his client guilty. The jury voted one time and returned a ...
the Scopes TrialScopes Tri·al, the/ˈskəʊps ˌtraɪəl/(alsothe Monkey Trial) a famous US court case in which John Scopes, abiologyteacher, was taken to a court of law in 1925 for teaching Darwin's Theory of Evolution, because this was against the law in the state of ...
Some observers, then and later, proclaimed the Scopes Trial as the turning point in the struggle between rural fundamentalist values and those of scientifically-inclined urban dwellers. In the short term, the celebrated “Monkey Trial” probably inhibited the passage of laws similar to Tennessee’s...