In 1925, just a few months after the infamous Scopes Trial, the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History in New Haven, Connecticut, opened its new building. Its creators, most notably director Richard Swann Lull, used the world-renowned fossil collections amassed by Othniel C. Marsh to lay out...
1925: 'SCOPES “GUILTY” IN APE CASE' On July 21, 1925, The Chicago Daily News reported on the outcome of the Scopes "monkey trial"—which it referred to as the "ape case"—chronicled in the 1960 movie "Inherit the Wind." A little more than 65 years after Charles Darwin published hi...
Kate Upton, born Katherine Elizabeth Upton, is an acclaimed American model and actress who gained widespread recognition for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Born on June 10, 1992, she was raised in Melbourne, Florida. With a passion for horseback riding from a young age...
1925: 'SCOPES “GUILTY” IN APE CASE' On July 21, 1925, The Chicago Daily News reported on the outcome of the Scopes "monkey trial"—which it referred to as the "ape case"—chronicled in the 1960 movie "Inherit the Wind." A little more than 65 years after Charles Darwin published...
1925: 'SCOPES “GUILTY” IN APE CASE' On July 21, 1925, The Chicago Daily News reported on the outcome of the Scopes "monkey trial"—which it referred to as the "ape case"—chronicled in the 1960 movie "Inherit the Wind." A little more than 65 years after Charles Darwin published hi...
1925: 'SCOPES “GUILTY” IN APE CASE' On July 21, 1925, The Chicago Daily News reported on the outcome of the Scopes "monkey trial"—which it referred to as the "ape case"—chronicled in the 1960 movie "Inherit the Wind." A little more than 65 years after Charles Darwin published hi...
1925: 'SCOPES “GUILTY” IN APE CASE' On July 21, 1925, The Chicago Daily News reported on the outcome of the Scopes "monkey trial"—which it referred to as the "ape case"—chronicled in the 1960 movie "Inherit the Wind." A little more than 65 years after Charles Darwin published ...
Those positions in America became very rigid around the year 1930—remember the Scopes Monkey Trial litigating the scientific accuracy of the Genesis creation account occurred in 1925. Broadly speaking, most of the Mainline Churches—Episcopalians, Presbyterians, some Lutherans—said “yes, let’s ...
In 1925 the state attracted international attention with the famous Scopes trial at Dayton. The fact that the state law banning the teaching of evolution was not repealed until 1967 is indicative of the strong role that Protestant fundamentalism played in the lives of many Tennesseans. Its ...
TheScopes“MonkeyTrial” TheScopesTrialinDayton,Tennessee,occurredasaresultoftheButlerAct,which waspassedbytheTennesseelegislatureandsignedbyGovernorAustinPeayonMarch21, 1925.ThesenateprovidednooppositionandfeltthattheButlerActwouldlikelyreceivea gubernatorialveto.OnememberofthesenatestatedthatMr.Butler,whohadnot ...