1925美国斯科普斯猴子审判案珍贵影像 Scopes Monkey – Rare Footage of the _Trial of the Century768502021-09-25 03:00:13您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~133 12 169 349 youtube 知识 人文历史 历史 文化 奇闻 纪实 世界历史 美国 猴子 世纪大审判 AP美国历史 打卡挑战莫莫...
文档标签: The Scopes Monkey Trial 40July 192541 系统标签: scopes trial july monkey bryan darrow TheChurchVersusGalileo RELIGIONSCIENCE CONFLICT Onthisnewchampion,Galileo, thewholewarwasatlast concentrated.Hisdiscoverieshad clearlytakentheCopernican theoryoutthelistofhypotheses, andhadplaceditbeforetheworld ...
The Church Versus GalileoRELIGION SCIENCECONFLICTOn this new champion, Galileo, the whole war was at last concentrated. His discoveries had clearly taken the Copernican theory out the list of hypotheses, and had placed it before the world as a truth. Against him, then, the war was long and ...
the_trial_that_rocked_the_world_背景介绍剖析 TheTrialThatRockedtheWorld (MonkeyTrial)---byJohnScopes TheScopesTrial •ThisarticleiswrittenbyJohnThomasScopes(August3,1900–October21,1970).HeisateacherinDayton,Tennesseeattheageof24,andwaschargedonMay25,1925withviolatingTennessee'sButlerAct,whichprohibited...
The Scopes Trial, also known as the Scopes Monkey Trial, was the 1925 prosecution of science teacher John Scopes for teaching evolution in a Tennessee public school, which a recent bill had made illegal. The trial featured two of the best-known orators of the era, William Jennings Bryan and...
Scopes“Monkey”Trial Dayton,Tennessee(July10-17,1925) January,1925:TennesseeHouseofRepresentativespassestheButlerBillmakingit unlawfulforstate-supportedschools“toteachanytheorythatdeniesthestoryofthe DivineCreationofmanastaughtintheBible,andtoteachinsteadthatmanhas ...
TheScopes“MonkeyTrial” TheScopesTrialinDayton,Tennessee,occurredasaresultoftheButlerAct,which waspassedbytheTennesseelegislatureandsignedbyGovernorAustinPeayonMarch21, 1925.ThesenateprovidednooppositionandfeltthattheButlerActwouldlikelyreceivea gubernatorialveto.OnememberofthesenatestatedthatMr.Butler,whohadnot ...
These fundamentalists lost a great deal of credibility, however, after being humiliated on national radio during the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925. Furthermore, the revamped Ku Klux Klan reemerged as a powerful new conservative, Protestant force while still continuing to intimidate and preach hatred ...
The 1925 Scopes "Monkey Trial"The 1925 Scopes "Monkey Trial"A more detailed examination of this topic is planned for the future. In the meantime, this small archive is presented. Photo: Defendant John T. Scopes Photograph: Clarence Darrow (left) and William Jennings Bryan (right) Photograph:...
I happen to live in Tennessee, and I can believe a thing like this could happen back in those days. My grandparents still talked about the Scopes monkey trial of 1925 and how they were told to stay away from any of those evil biology books that mentioned the theory of evolution. That ...