Quarrels and jealousy (Harry is jealous of Cedric dating with Cho) are also parts of everyday- life in a boarding school just as the problem Harry has got: he is someone special, he is different. For many young people the boarding school-story is a projection of their desired way of li...
J. Ed-munds,“TheLeft’sViewson Israel:FromtheEstablishmentof theJewishStatetothe Intifada”[PhD diss.,LondonSchoolof EconomicsandPolitical Science, 1997], 2; J.-Y.Camus,“TheFrenchLeft andPoliticalIslam:SecularismversustheTemptation of an Alliance,”Engage,3[2006],https://engageonline.wordpress....
Hamori, Andras (1971), ‘An Allegory from the Arabian Nights: The City of Brass’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 34: 9–19. Levey, Martin (1966). Medieval Arabic Toxicology: The Book on Poisons of Ibn Wahšīya and Its Relation to Early Indian and Greek ...
Karl Wezel, concluded an essay, published in Johann Bernhard Basedow’s and Joachim Hein-rich Campe’s journal, Pädagogische Unterhandlungen, with the ap-peal: “And now, you pedagogues, tutors, in for mants, kindergarten teachers, principals, vice- principals, schoolmasters, and ...
[…] The language of nature [which is imbued with a nameless, unspoken language] is comparable to a secret password that each sentry [Posten] passes to the next in his own language, but the meaning [Inhalt] of the password is the sentry’s language itself. All higher language is a ...