Come, let me read the oft-read tale again! The story of the Oxford scholar poor, Of pregnant parts and quick inventive brain, Who, tired of knocking at preferment's door, One summer-morn forsook His friends, and went to learn the gypsy-lore, And roamed the world with that wild brothe...
(Poem : Tennyson)ARNOLD, Matthew, 1822-1888TENNYSON, Alfred Tennyson, Baron, 1809-1892The article proposes that the final simile in the poem "The Scholarly-Gypsy" by Matthew Arnold referred to English poet Alfred Tennyson. Topics discussed include medical metaphor in the poem as criticism of ...
The Gypsy Laddie byAnonymous The gypsies they came to my lord Cassilis' yett, And O but they sang bonnie! They sang so sweet and so complete Till down came our fair ladie. She came tripping down the stairs, And all her maids before her;...
Also writing of the upper reaches is Matthew Arnold in The Scholar Gypsy: Crossing the stripling Thames at Bab-lock-hythe Trailing in the cool stream thy fingers wet As the slow punt swings round Oh born in days when wits were fresh and clear And life ran gaily as the sparkling Thames;...
THE SPANISH GYPSY A POEM BY GEORGE ELIO的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于THE SPANISH GYPSY A POEM BY GEORGE ELIO的评论: feed: rss 2.0© 2005-2025 douban...
Film scholarKen Dancygerhas argued thatUn Chien Andaloumight be the genesis of the filmmaking style present in the modern music video.Roger Eberthad called it the inspiration for low budget independent films. “Raphael did not mean for Galatea to resemble any one human person, but to represent...
History will make this poem prophetic and its awful silliness a hideous spiritual music I have the moan of doves and the feather of ecstasy Man cannot long endure the hunger of the cannibal abstract War is abstract the world will be destroyed ...
*Saint Sara la Noire is patron of the Roma (or "Gypsy") folk. Many of them claim an origin in India, an, indeed, Wikipedia identifies Saint Sara with the goddess Kali. Saints Mary-Salome, Mother of Saint John, author of the Apocalyptic gospel, Mary-Jacobus, Mother of Saint James the...
“Greatest Women of Maine” Award. A graduate of Middlebury College and San Diego State University, Susan has taught creative writing and literature seminars at Emerson College, as well as at Harvard’s Teachers as Scholar’s Program. She continues to teach all flavors of writing workshops at ...
ONE: A narrative poem that tells the story of a young gypsy girl who is trying to make a living by running a game of chance. 2 0 Reply Sylvia Frances Chan 23 January 2024 TWO: The poem is a commentary on the human condition and the way in which people are often willing to tak...