X-ray crystallography n (General Physics) the study and practice of determining the structure of a crystal by passing a beam of X-rays through it and observing and analysing the diffraction pattern produced Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins ...
The interbranch scattering of X-rays at dislocations is studied experimentally and with the aid of numerical simulations. Narrow beam of a small divergence is used for the study which is made both in the Laue and Bragg case of diffraction. The role of interbranch scattering in the formation ...
Bragg WH. The reflection of X-rays by crystals. (II.). Proc R Soc Lond A. 1913;89:246-248.Bragg WH, Bragg WL (1913) The Reflection of X-Rays by Crystals. Phys Z 14:472W. Bragg and W. Bragg, "The Reflection of X-rays by Crystals," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London...
The x‐ray optics for a thin‐crystal Si (400) Bragg transmission phase plate have been constructed for the production of 5 to 12 keV circularly polarized x rays. Using multiple beam diffraction from a GaAs crystal, a direct measurement of the degree of circular polarization as a function of...
Elastic scattering of γ-rays and X-rays by atoms Phys. Rep. (1986) P.P. Kane et al. Inelastic and anomalous elastic scattering of 88.03 keV gamma rays Phys. Rev. (1987) B.R. Kerur et al. Measurement of X-ray mass attenuation coefficients using mixed radiation emitters Ind. J. Phys...
The influence of ordered atomic plane displacement in the near-surface layer of a perfect crystal on the angular photoemission dependence under conditions of X-ray scattering is investigated. Silicon implanted by boron ions is used as an example to show the high sensitivity of photo-effect curves ...
where\(q=2(\sin \theta -\sin {\theta }_{0})/\lambda\),λcorresponds to the wave length of the applied X-rays, andθandθ0are half of the diffraction and Bragg angles, respectively. Parameterqcorresponds to the distance from the peak center in reciprocal space,q0is a constant dependi...
For the phase analysis the diffractometer was set to the symmetrical Bragg–Brentano (BB) parafocusing geometry and the fast PIXcel3D solid state area detector was used. In order to avoid strong scattering along the crystal truncation rod from the monocrystalline substrate (Al2O3 0006 reflection)...
H. Kobayashi et al., Scattering of plane wave by a 3D smooth convex impedance surface using PTD with transition currents. Electron. Commun. Jpn. 85(2), 1325–1334 (2002) Google Scholar P. Usai et al., RCS calculation and validation through measuremwents of electrically large objects part...
birefringence can only be inferred and not proven. In like manner, researchers use wide-angle X-ray scattering12and differential scanning calorimetry10,13,14,15,16to provide details of the phase state and lateral organisation of a cream’s excipients but neither of these techniques can inform as...