Photo : Everett Collection 16. “Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon” (2005) Born of the same scary underbelly as the vicious Belgian mockumentary “Man Bites Dog,” Scott Glosserman’s “Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon” imagines a world where all your favorite slasher...
The Collection (2012) I recently grabbed off Vudu for $3.99. The storyline involves a woman who sneaks into an exclusive party only to discover The Collector has targeted this party with his next set of booby traps. A viscous killing spree begins where in the process the woman meets Arkin...
< The Angry Birds Movie 2Sign in to edit Transcripts for The Angry Birds Movie 2. Transcript Mm. Those are good worms right there. Hey, Alex! How's the commute treating you? Hey, I can't complain. - That never stopped him before. - Right? [BOTH LAUGH] Well, we made good time...
COLLECTION18 LISTSRated G: Good for All AgesLists that rank the best films rated G for General Audiences. Horror Movies Christian Films Short Films Fairy Tales Anime Movies Sports Movies Teen Films Science FictionFilm|Movies The Best G-Rated Scary And Horror Movies Ranker Film Update...
The Movie Sleuth is dedicated to bringing you movie reviews, articles, new releases, blu rays, cult movies, interviews, and articles.
on The Best Horror Movie Sequels #3 Donnie Darko on The Best Horror Movies About Time Travel COLLECTION16 LISTSHorror Movies About EverythingThe best horror movies in every subgenre of horror. Whether it's evil dolls, terrible vacations, or anything in between, we've got a li...
It's a beautiful game that should be in everyone's collection. 11. Ori and the Will of the Wisps (Image credit: Microsoft / Xbox) A short but sublime action-platformer that’s sure to delight your eyes and ears – the soundtrack is sensational. While its predecessor is still one of...
Del Toro “highly recommended” the movie to his followers and called it “amazing and scary.” Flanagan, meanwhile, said the film was “seriously great” and “dripping with tension.” —ZSPhoto : Everett Collection “Creep” (2014) Just when you thought the found footage horror genre had ...
that will restore her to his idea of beauty. The problem, as you can imagine, is where to get the face. This could’ve been a schlocky Bela Lugosi movie, but Franju injects it with a poetic style that turns it into a work of art (it’s even a part of the Criterion Collection)....
Bong Joon-ho is a modern master of genre-bending cinema, having bestowed upon viewers the gnarly yet funny serial killer thriller Memories of Murder, the humorous yet scary monster movie The Host, the wickedly entertaining eat-the-rich comedy Parasite, and the tense yet quirky end-of-the-...