My eyes fastened themselves upon the old scarlet letter, and would not be turned aside. Certainly, there was some deep meaning in it, most worthy of interpretation, and which, as it were, streamed forth from the mystic symbol, subtly communicating itself to my sensibilities, but evading the...
She clutched the child so fiercely to her breast, that it sent forth a cry; she turned her eyes downward at the scarlet letter, and even touched it with her finger, to assure herself that the infant and the shame were real. Yes! -- these were her realities -- all else had vanished!
She clutched the child so fiercely to her breast, that it sent forth a cry; she turned her eyes downward at the scarlet letter, and even touched it with her finger, to assure herself that the infant and the shame were real. Yes! -- these were her realities -- all else had vanished!
(美)纳撒尼尔·霍桑创作的英文图书小说《红字(The Scarlet Letter)》,已更新25章,最新章节:第25章 CONCLUSION。《红字》讲述的是一个发生在北美殖民时期的恋爱悲剧。女主人公赫丝特·普林嫁给了医生齐林沃思,他们之间却没有爱情。在孤独中普林与牧师丁梅斯代尔相恋并生下
OriginalBookCoverTitlepageof1850editionofTheScarletLetterFirstPublishingHawthornewasaRomanticAuthor(courtesyofPeabodyEssexMuseum) DefiningScarletFunction:adjective1?ofthecolorscarlet2a:grosslyandglaringlyoffensivesinninginflagrantandscarletfashion--characterizedby,orassociatedwithsexualimmoralityascarletwomanFunction:nounMiddle...
Cover Title Page Contents The Custom-House: Introductory to “The Scarlet Letter” Chapter I - The Prison-Door Chapter II - The Market-Place Chapter III - The Recognition Chapter IV - The Interview Chapter V - Hester at Her Needle
美国文学红字TheScarletLetter优秀课件 TheScarletLetter byNathanielHawthorne AdvancedAmericanLitMr.Mays 1 TheAuthor NathanielHawthorneAmericannovelistandshortstorywriter,mostfamousforhisnovelTheScarletLetter 2 NathanielHawthorne,Background BornSalem,Mass.onJuly4th,1804,sonofaseacaptain.GraduatedfromBowdoinCollegeand...
one of the few booksthat is remarkable, becaus e it dealswith aliena tion, sin, punish ment, and guilt, or the emotio ns that will contin ue to be felt by everygenera tion.The scarle t letter“A”, whichcover...
1、The Scarlet Letterby Nathaniel HawthorneAdvanced American LitMr. MaysThe AuthornNathanielHawthorneAmerican novelist and short story writer, most famous for his novel The Scarlet LetterNathaniel Hawthorne, BackgroundnBorn Salem, Mass. on July 4th, 1804, son of a sea captain.nGraduated from Bowdoi...