1. Her quiet acceptance of her status and her charity work have won her respect. The scarlet letter is now said to stand for “Able” and is even said by some to have a supernatural power to protect the wearer, but the letter and Pearl’s reaction to it are a source of continual pa...
红字(The Scarlet Letter)是((美)纳撒尼尔·霍桑)写的小说,小说红字(The Scarlet Letter)最新章节由QQ阅读女生网整理,推荐书友无弹窗阅读红字(The Scarlet Letter)全文
6. Describe one way the letter A appears in Chapter 12. 7. What doesPearlask the minister to do? What is his response? 8. What does the sexton find on the scaffold the next day? --- Name: Date: Vocabulary Quiz Scarlet Letter: Chapters 1-12 Match the word with its meaning. (Just...
红字:thescarletletter(英文朗读版)演讲人 202x-11-11 introductory chapter1theprison-door chapter2themarket-place chapter3therecognition chapter4theinterview chapter5hesteratherneedle chapter6pearl chapter7thegovernor'shall chapter8theelfchildandtheminis ter chapter9theleech chapter10theleechandhispatients c...
Her beautiful hair is hidden under her cap, her beauty and warmth are gone, buried under the burden of the elaborate scarlet letter on her bosom. When she removes the letter and takes off her cap in Chapter 13, she once again becomes the radiant beauty of seven years earlier. Symbolically...
The Scarlet Letter rightly deserves its stature as the first great novel written by an American, is an absorbing tale about the temptations of power, wealth, and passion. It is a Wonderful and playful story. 目录展开 The Scarlet Letter(III) 红字(英文版) Chapter 11 THE INTERIOR OF A HEART...
《红字(中文导读英文版)》是2009年清华大学出版社出版的图书,作者王勋、纪飞 。图书简介 The Scarlet Letter,中文译名为《红字》,19世纪最有影响的经典小说之一,由19世纪美国浪漫主义作家纳撒尼尔?霍桑编著。女主人公海丝特跟丈夫从英国移居到美国的波士顿,途中丈夫被印第安人俘虏。只身来到美国后,海丝特被青年牧师...
Forest in The Scarlet Letter | Symbolism & Analysis The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne | Setting & Time Period The Custom-House in The Scarlet Letter | Purpose & Analysis The Scarlet Letter Chapter 2 Summary The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne: Ch 1 | Summary The Scarlet Letter by...