hanging up after just a couple of seconds. The perpetrator hopes that curiosity will prompt the person to call back. But doing so will result in expensive per-minute charges, leaving the caller with an expensive bill if the scammer succeeds in keep them on the line for any length of time...
That's when a scammer contacts a victim and convinces the person that they've been hired at a company and needs to complete employee information. In reality, the scammer is stealing someone's personal information. Victims lost a median $1,995 in employment scams last year, the BBB said....
Anne Erickson started her radio career shortly after graduating from Michigan State University and has worked on-air in Detroit, Flint, Toledo, Lansing and beyond. As someone who absolutely loves rock, metal and alt music, she instantly fell in love with radio and hasn’t looked back. When s...
Stealing personal information: Spyware can monitor your keystrokes, track your activity, and send sensitive information (like passwords or banking details) back to the scammer. Hijacking your device: Malware can take over functions on your phone, enabling scammers to make unauthorize...
The last few years or so have seen rise to the era of scammer documentaries and shows based on con artists-turned-celebrities. One of Netflix's most successful documentaries on the topic is The Tinder Swindler, which opened eyes about how wild the art of catfishing can get. While some li...
The last few years or so have seen rise to the era of scammer documentaries and shows based on con artists-turned-celebrities. One of Netflix's most successful documentaries on the topic is The Tinder Swindler, which opened eyes about how wild the art of catfishing can get. While some li...
Scammers place an order with your store — using an invalid shipping address. After the shipment is marked as undeliverable, the scammer contacts the shipping company directly and provides them with a real address. Then, the scammer files a complaint with PayPal claiming that the item never ...
Gamarue is a family of malware that may be distributed by exploit kits, spammed emails or other malware, and has been observed stealing information from an affected user. Trend Micro reported that one of their manager received the spam at his personal e-mail address ... Alert : Phishing ...
Email scams are another major threat. You might receive an email that appears legitimate because the scammer has appropriated the IRS logo or an actual tax software company’s logo. The email may claim to be about your refund, return status, or tax account.20 Links in the email may direct...
An old-fashioned scam that still reaps profits for criminals is the placement of a deposit receptacle in an ATM vestibule with a sign over the automated machine stating it is out of order. Here, the scammer's goal is to capture cash deposits that were intended for the more secure electronic...