Taylor & Francis Online :: The Satisfaction With Life Scale - Journal of Personality Assessment - Volume 49, Issue 1 This article reports the development and validation of a scale to measure global life satisfaction, the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Among the various components of ...
The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) was developed in the U.S.A. to represent a multi-item scale for the overall assessment of life satisfaction as a cognitive-judgemental process, rather than for the measurement of specific satisfaction domains (e.g. health, energy). Psychometric evaluations...
The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) was developed in the U.S.A. to represent a multi-item scale for the overall assessment of life satisfaction as a cognitive-judgemental process, rather than for the measurement of specific satisfaction domains (e.g. health, material wealth). The present...
Review Of The Satisfaction With Life Scale-英文文献.pdf,Review of the Satisfaction With Life Scale William Pavot and Ed Diener Abstract The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) was developed to assess satis- faction with the respondent’s life as a whole.
The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) was developed to assess satis-faction with the respondent’s life as a whole. The scale does not assess satisfaction with life domains such as health or finances but allows subjects to integrate and weight these domains in whatever way they choose. Normat...
To explore applicability of the Satisfaction With Life Scale in a different racial and cultural context (South Africa), a questionnaire containing items on basic demographic characteristics, the 5-item Satisfaction With Life Scale, and the 10-item Rosenberg Self-esteem scale, was administered to a ...
Overall, people with chronic illnesses have lower life satisfaction compared to nonclinical populations. The objective of this international study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Methods. PD patients (n...
Satisfaction of mentally retarded persons with their quality of life is an important outcome measure of deinstitutionalization. The Lifestyle Satisfaction Scale (LSS) was developed to assess mentally retarded persons' satisfaction with their residence and its community setting and associated services. An ...
3.1.2《生活满意度量表》(SWLS) 《生活满意度量表》(Satisfaction With Life Scale-SWLS)由 Diener 编制,该量 表是由 5 个问题组成的 7 点量表。③1 代表完全不赞同,7 代表完全赞同,得分越高 表示生活满意度越高。该量表是国际通用的测量生活满意度的问卷,Diener 的跨文 化研究表明,该问卷具有可靠的信zk效...
Satisfaction of mentally retarded persons with their quality of life is an important outcome measure of deinstitutionalization. The Lifestyle Satisfaction Scale (LSS) was developed to assess mentally retarded persons' satisfaction with their residence and its community setting and associated services. An ...