The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis proposed that all higher levels of thinking are dependent on language. 4. What are the individual learner factors affecting SLA? The individual learner factors affecting SLA usually involve age, aptitude, motivation, personality and cognitive style. 5. What’s the biologica...
This point of view is in accordance with the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, which states that intuition is a product of language, rather that language being an expression of a pre-linguistic intuition. The resulting position is denoted linguistic empiricism. This tenet, with the additional assumption that...
Evaluate the evidence for and against the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. TheSapir-Whorfhypothesis(SWH) states that there is a systematic relationship between the grammatical categories of the language a person speaks and how that person both understands the world and behaves in it. (Wikipedia) TheSapir-Wh...
There are two different versions of the Sapir-whorf hypothesis— the ( ) version and the ( ) version. The former emphasizes the decisive role of language as the ( ) of our thinking patterns. The language we speak ( )
TheSapir-Whorfhypothesisshowsthatlanguagehasagreatimpactonourthoughtandmeaningsystem. 参考答案: 正确 WhatistheproperEnglishtranslationfor我的心开始咚咚跳,嘴里发干?Choosethecorrectexpressiontofillinthesentence:Myhearthadstartedto,andmymouthwasdry... 参考答案: beatwildly_thud Canadabelongsto. 参考答案: allabo...
After further interpretation and analysis he concluded that the Hopi have a sense for the continuum of time despite having no words to specifically describe past, present, and future. It is commonly believed that the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis possesses some truth, but the extent to which it is ...
which in essence states that langudge is a guide to "social reality." This hypothesis implies that language is not simply a means of reporting experience but, more important, it is a way of defining experi 语言和它的文化影响在Sapir-Whorf假说的理论公式化被举例证明,实质上阐明, langudge是对“...
大学英语语言学期末考试名词解释和论述答案 名词解释 1.Competence and Performance:•The distinction is discussed by the American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950’s.•Competence---the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.•Performance---the actual realization of this knowl...
The SAPIR-WHORF HYPOTHESIS contends that the kind of language someone uses determines the nature of that person's thinking about the world. It has been suggested by other theorists that language does not have this determining function and that language itself is in fact largely determined by ...