Wrapped gifts abound—some possibly to be delivered by the kids—raising the possibility that the structures in the background are Santa’s workshop. Not present: Krazy Kat, Mintz’s other principal continuing character besides Scrappy. I am, of course, curious who painted this idiosyncratic and...
centropyge tibicen cu centrosaurus longiros centrosymmetrical gro centumclause centurial centurus carolinus century grand hotel century hardwood floo century hyatt tokyo century seaview golf century specialists century sunshine holi cenxi jin hui electro ceo chief excutive of ceo chiefexecutive of ceochi...
This is the original American AirlinesFlagship Detroit,which was the 34th plane built on the Santa Monica production line. Here we see it visiting the Purdue University airport in 2013. The DC-3 and DST led to a revolution in air travel in the U.S. An eastbound trip from the Pacific coa...
However, it also began the work of dismantling the ahistorical mythology surrounding Clauseitz's personality and character, which V.E. Bellinger has now greatly advanced. As a companion volume to Clausewitz's On War, it is indispensable to anyone interested in Clausewitz, his theories, and ...
Benitoite from California State Gem Mine, Santa Rita Peak, San Benito Co., California, USA. Miniature, 4.5 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm A dramatic v-shaped Tourmaline cluster that packs a punch with color and luster While we are all familiar with the classic multi-colored tourmalines of this style from...
Christian Articles Archive The Real St. Nick (Santa Claus) "A vast multitude was imprisoned in every place," wrote an eyewitness. "The prisons — prepared for murderers and robbers — were filled with bishops, priests, and deacons ... so there was no longer room for those condemned of cr...
15-year-old Jamie (Lucas Jade Zumann) lives with his single mother, Dorothea (Annette Bening, playing the kinda cool mom you wish was your own), who runs a boarding house for women out of their old Santa Barbara home. Twentysomething photographer Abbie (Greta Gerwig) lives there, and 17...
Remembering Dream Pictures: The Branson DeCou Archive at the University of California, Santa Cruz"Mechanical reproduction of a work of art," Walter Benjamin wrote in 1936, "represents something new." For Benjamin, art became mechanically reproducible with the invention of the woodcut in the ...
But holiday-pleasure based on Santa, gifting, and parties, quickly disappears with the decorations and Christmas cookies. Where do we find January-Joy that will carry us through the new year and even beyond? First, we have to understand: true joy is more than feel-good endorphins. ...
In Santa Barbara, a guy named Joe pulls alongside and serenades her. She joins him and they spend a week or so together. “I began to divine that one could get fond enough of another person to want him about a great deal.” Yet she walks on without regrets. “That priceless feeling ...