When you read John 4, the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, commentators note that, usually, women would have come to the well earlier in the day to draw water for themselves and their families. The woman with whom Jesus spoke, however, came later in the day, suggest...
VIEW RECENT SERMON:My husband and I recently preached a sermon about Transforming Shame out of chapter two of my pervious book, Reaching for Wonder, about the Samaritan woman at the well. ClickHEREto view the service. VIEW WOMAN AT THE WELL NARRATIVE:What might it have been like to be the...
The Samaritan woman at the well engaged in a transformative conversation with Jesus, leading her to testify to her community about Him (John 4:28-30).Role in the Early ChurchThe disciples, particularly the Apostles, were foundational to the establishment of the early Christian church. They ...
Our scripture guide for Wellsprings of God’s Love comes from John chapter 4: Jesus’ encountering the woman at the well. Jesus uses the phrase “living water” for the Holy Spirit that meets people’s thirst for life in relationship with God. Ultimately, that is what ministries in our No...
Apparently, maybe due to my strong Southern roots, say something along the lines of “warter.” When I should be saying “wa-ter.” Whatever. At the time of this conversation on Tuesday I had no idea that the text coming up was the one with the Samaritan woman at the well. I pick ...
There are none in the kingdom of heaven, as Jesus demonstrated in his meeting of the woman at the well and his parable of the good Samaritan. Every neighbor is to be loved exactly as the self. Followers of Jesus do not go to war. Jesus rejected violence of every kind in favor of ...
Sometimes the curse of God comes like the caress of a woman’s hand, and sometimes His blessing comes like a knife in the flesh —Amos Oz The soul united to God is like a leaf united to the tree —Ignazio Silone They treated their God like a desk clerk with whom they lodged requests...
Define Christlikeness. Christlikeness synonyms, Christlikeness pronunciation, Christlikeness translation, English dictionary definition of Christlikeness. Jesus as considered in Christianity to be the Messiah. n. The Messiah, as foretold by the prophets
Shortly after the initial investigation, another woman came forward with additional allegations. According to the Church, this disclosure was “assessed not to be a safeguarding matter but a matter of alleged misconduct.” Bishop Mason later confirmed that she was the second complainant. In her stat...
The Strange Woman: Power and Sex in the Bible (review) records with a truly poetic gift matters of great worth to students of Christianity.The first of these points is her brilliant exposition of the hiddenmeaningsof the narrativeof Jesus'encounterwith the unnamed Samaritan woman (John 4)......