The book is set roughly in the period from 1880 to 1930 in a Caribbean port based loosely on Cartagena, Colombia. 这本书的故事大致设定在1880到1930年间,地点位于加勒比海的一个港口,哥伦比亚的卡塔赫纳海港。 The book, first published in 1985, centers on a young couple. The woman, Fermina Daz...
verse 18: “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.”, referres to “the same falling star described in our Holy Book, Liber LXV, V:5 [chapter 5, verse 5]”: “Now is the Pillar established in the Void; now is Asi fulfilled of Asar; now is Hoor let down into...
There are none in the kingdom of heaven, as Jesus demonstrated in his meeting of the woman at the well and his parable of the good Samaritan. Every neighbor is to be loved exactly as the self. Followers of Jesus do not go to war. Jesus rejected violence of every kind in favor of in...
But I think the pinnacle of this service and of the Scriptures for Peter was found in the story of the Good Samaritan, our Gospel reading. A man is beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. Two men–religious leaders of this man’s own people, no less–pass by, hardly giv...
Hospitals today were traced back to Jesus sermon of the Good Samaritan. The Gothenburg press started with printing a bible. Where can I find innovators? The answer used to be the church. Today, we don’t really hear people saying the church. What changed? Jesus reminds us the church is...
A Samaritan Village Rejects Jesus 51When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.52And he sent messengers ahead of him, who went and entered a village of the Samaritans, to make preparations for him.53But the people did not receive him, because...
half Gentile. They were deemed unworthy by the Jews. This was illustrated by the Priest and the Levite both holy reverent Jews passing on the other side of the road so as to ignore the injured man in dire need. But along comes a Samaritan who cares for the man with no questions asked...
The book is set roughly in the period from 1880 to 1930 in a Caribbean port based loosely on Cartagena, Colombia. 这本书的故事大致设定在1880到1930年间,地点位于加勒比海的一个港口,哥伦比亚的卡塔赫纳海港。 The book, first published in 1985, centers on a young couple. The woman, Fermina Daz...
[viii]George Herbert, “The Call.” This beautiful poem, set to a memorable tune by Ralph Vaughan Williams, is #487 in the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. Share this: Twitter Facebook Tumblr LikeLoading... Posted inAnglican spirituality,Death,Poetry,Spirituality,Theology,Time|TaggedDeath,George Herbert ...
“The Book of Revelation includes a dazzling range of images drawn from everyday life, religious rituals, celestial phenomena, military conquest, and political life as well as geographical locations from across the ancient world. This rich variety of material culture can be difficult for modern read...