Huntington, WV: Blue Acorn Press, 2006. Bay Tree Grove, comp. Georgia Historical Markers: The Complete Texts of 1752 Markers. Helen, GA: Bay Tree Grove, 1976. Beeson, Kenneth H. "Fromajadas and Indigo: The Minorcan Colony in Florida." Master's thesis, University of Florida, 1960. ...
We do not follow cleverly devised fables.While the Bible is NOT a science textbook, the Word of God is true and accurate in all it records. Jesus affirmed the truth and authority of God’s Word, mentioning Creation, Adam and Eve, Abel, Noah and Jonah as matters of fact. Though some o...
Out si de t he Wal l s: A Nat i onal Snapshot of Communi t y-Based Pri soner Reent ry Programs Tabl e of Cont ent s ..
This paper draws on research conducted in the past two decades examining issues related to the human element in mine disasters. While much of the emergency response community employs a systems approach that takes into account psychosocial issues as they