On Thursday, I also watchedSpacey Unmaskedon Max.Spacey Unmaskedis the latest documentary to feature people sitting on an empty soundstage and talking about how badly they were treated by a celebrity. The ten men featured in the documentary all told stories about their encounters with Kevin Spacey...
of vogue.com there’s so much back-of-house, front-of-house stuff the night of. especially when we were putting out the met gala special edition issue. during the gala, i was lucky enough to go and i would be manically running around trying to do the best dressed list with sally [...
I’m also at work on a tour documentary for the band Xylouris/White with the help of a friend who helped me film them during portions of their 2018 tour. I’m in early editing stages but it’s my goal to capture the power of this duo’s live show and to have the film out by ...
P. Lee, Chris Welch, Fran Kershner, Giovanni Dadomo, Harry, Shapiro, Ian Birch, John Tobler, Kerry King, Michael Heatley, Mike McDowell, Martin Plimmer, Mark Williams, Nigel Cross, Neville Wiggins, Peter Clark, Patrick Humphries, Paddy Poltock, Paul Whitcombe, Stephen Lee, Sally Payne....
The movie that gave birth to the widespread "horror movie as faux-documentary" trend and that inspired such films as Paranormal Activity, The Blair Witch Project is quite an effective scare fest in retrospect. Some of its then-inspired choices in the realm of "is it or isn't real" seem ...
This British documentary is certainly not the first to have raised concerns about the ethics of purebred dog breeding, but its sensational manner created an unprecedented splash when it was first broadcast — all the better to get the public talking. The 50-minute long documentary is not ...
Gary Hustwit's fascinating documentary Helvetica delves into the world of typography, exploring the ubiquitous typeface and its impact on visual culture. As one of the best Pretentious Movies Ever Made, the film engages viewers with its thoughtful examination of design, communication, and the subtle...
Review: Sally A new documentary about Sally Ride premiered last week at the Sundance Film Festival. Jeff Foust notes the film is both about Ride becoming the first American woman in space as well as her long, and private, relationship with Tam O’Shaughnessy not revealed until after her deat...
For now, take a look at this unique mother/daughter team singing in 2011 (above), and know that we can also look forward to seeing the HBO documentary,Bright Lights: Starring Debbie Reynolds & Carrie Fisherin early 2017.RIP magnificent women… ...
We are delighted to announce Eda Çalğar’s Turkish translation of Vernon Lee’s collection of fantastic storiesHauntings:‘Hayalet Öyküleri ve Diğer Doğaüstü Anlatılar’. “It is the first translation of Lee into Turkish and is with a very prestigious press” (Sally Blackburn...