This romantic drama shows the struggles and wins of each character in their respective fields as well as their story of friendship and a love triangle. There’s also an excellent cast for this series. You may recognize the lead actors from the infamous Korean film,Parasite,where So Dam played...
Over 800 filmgoers have voted on the 70+ films on Best Korean Drama Movies Of All Time. Current Top 3: Burning, The Handmaiden, A Taxi Driver
Popular Korean songsused as part of a soundtrack could also increase the popularity of a Korean drama. The popularity of a drama could also make an OST song a major hit. Each song should express the drama’s structure and mood, and a detailed process is taken to choose the right songs....
The question is, should you even be watching something so sad? Truth be told, Stairway to Heaven might not have the glory-filled happy ending we always yearn for, but it is a reminder of how beautiful life can be, along with the warmth of love and joy, even if they are short-lived...
Drama Recaps Sorry Not Sorry: Episode 1 (First Impressions) bystarrygazer Drama Reactions & Reviews Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (December 7, 2024) byDB Staff Drama Recaps Light Shop: Episodes 1-4 bylovepark Drama Casting & News ...
Yes, it’s a satire on Westerns, and yes there’s plenty of Coen-esque characters involved, but beneath the pastiche this is a love letter that tips a cowboy hat to the movies of old.— Marc Chacksfield Genre: Western dramaRotten Tomatoes score: 91%Stars: Tim Blake Nelson, James ...
Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara star in Todd Haynes’ poignant and heartbreaking drama about a love affair between two women at a time when that wasn’t allowed. It’s a beautifully made film with phenomenal performances from the entire cast, especially the two leads. Carol watch on netflix...
I didn't know it was a twelve episode drama!?! I'm sad now. 0 reply MaximumDensity June 9, 2015 at 10:44 AM UNREGISTERED You said it so well. I'm so frustrated because the writers keep playing this triangle love card. I want JM to step up and show YJ how much he loves ...
Can Love Become Money? “I am going to plant a tree and I am going to pray that my next life won’t be so tragic because of money. One that’s not so sad and so unjust.” –Da Ran “Hell is hell if you go there front or backwards.” –Da Ran “Being awkward means there is...
The Neverending Story: Directed by Wolfgang Petersen. With Barret Oliver, Gerald McRaney, Chris Eastman, Darryl Cooksey. A troubled boy dives into a wondrous fantasy world through the pages of a mysterious book.