美国东北部的“铁锈带”(The Rust Belt)、收缩城市分布区域,历史上著名的重工业区,曾经汇集了大量人口。然而自20世纪80年代以来,随着产业衰退,铁锈带城市经济萎靡、人口减少,其各类城市问题受到关注。图一:位于美国东北部的铁锈带(the Rust Belt)O网页链接图二:铁锈带的城市 O网页链接 图三:20世纪50年代铁锈带37...
States primarily associated with the Rust Belt include Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana. Bordering lands include parts of Wisconsin, New York, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Ontario, Canada. Some major industrial cities of the Rust Belt include Chicago, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Buffalo...
The meaning of THE RUSTBELT is the northeastern and midwestern states of the U.S. in which many factories (such as steel mills) have closed because of changes in the economy.
Noun1.Rustbelt- urban areas in New England and Midwest characterized by concentrations of declining industries (steel or textiles) middle west,Midwest,midwestern United States- the north central region of the United States (sometimes called the heartland or the breadbasket of America) ...
报道中的rustbelt原指美国中西部和东北部钢铁、纺织等衰退的老工业区。Rust是“铁锈”,belt是“带”,现在用于泛指经济衰退地区。例如: Many of the rustbelt’s cities were single industry towns. 很多锈带城市属于那种单一的工业城镇。
Discusses the reasons for the decline in the population and economic growth of the rust belt states in Australia (Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania) as compared to the sun belt states Western Australia, (Queensland and Northern Territory). Higher levels of unemployment, underemployment and long...
rust′ belt` n. (sometimes caps.) the Great Lakes states and adjacent areas of the eastern U.S. in which much of the work force has traditionally been employed in manufacturing and metals production. [1980–85] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd...
There was a time when America's economic trousers were supported by what is now loosely referred to as the Rust Belt. 有段时间,美国经济的两条腿由现在被广义地称之为“铁带”来支撑。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Labour markets are relatively strong in the Northeast and improving rapidly across...
The bulk of the nation’s lead pipe infrastructure is concentrated in a handful of states, including many of the Rust Belt states in the Great Lakes region. Florida has the most lead service lines in the country, with its 1.16 million lines accounting for 12.6% of the country’s total. ...
这是唯一一代生活不断下沉的美国人:他们生在战后经济增长的黄金年代,摸爬滚打半生后,却迎来传统社会结构的轰然倒塌。 In addition to the protagonist's story, the book, like a movie shot, has a panoramic view of the social ...