网络法庭规则;法庭之规则 网络释义 1. 法庭规则 ... Act)以及涉及民事诉讼程序制度的其他法律法规、法庭规则(the Rules of Court)、诉讼指引(practice directions)、判例 …|基于9个网页 2. 法庭之规则 法院的主要细节包括:按法庭之规则(The Rules of Court)进行裁判,该规则由泰国最高法院长...
The Rules of Court, which came into effect in May 1996, combine the rules of the Supreme Court and the subordinate courts for the very first time. This article considers how this re-constitution was achieved, the conseque...
supreme court of the united states 【法】 美国最高法院 相似单词 supreme adj. 1.(级别或地位)最高的,至高无上的 2.(程度)很大的,最大的 n. 1. 权力(或地位、权威等)最高的人 2. 至高无上,至上 3. 极量;极度 4. [the sup rules n. 1.规程;规章;条例;守则 rule的复数 2.习惯,通例,...
These rules proclaim our respect for others and in turn give us the gift of self-respect and heightened self-esteem. Richard Brookhiser, in his book on Washington wrote that "all modern manners in the western world were originally aristocratic. Courtesy meant behavior appropriate to a court; ...
These rules proclaim our respect for others and in turn give us the gift ofself-respectand heightened self-esteem. Richard Brookhiser, in his book on Washington wrote that "all modern manners in the western world were originally aristocratic. Courtesy meant behavior appropriate to a court; chiva...
federal court- a court establish by the authority of a federal government judicial branch- the branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice law,jurisprudence- the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the gr...
v.court·ed,court·ing,courts 1. a.To attempt to gain; seek:courting wealth and fame. b.To behave so as to invite or incur:courts disaster by taking drugs. 2.To try to gain the love or affections of, especially to seek to marry. ...
Rules of the Supreme Court 中文 《最高法院规则》 解释 〈英〉规定英格兰和威尔士最高法院的诉讼程序的规则,由以御前大臣〔Lord Chancellor〕、法官、出庭律师和事务律师组成的规则委员会制定。规则必须提交议会通过,议会可宣布其无效。刑事法院、上诉法院刑事庭和家事案件的审理,都各有不同的规则。这些规则由「程序...|基于6个网页 3. 最高法院诉讼程序条例 [69] 英格兰\威尔士是由法官组成的委员会制定《最高法院诉讼程序条例》(Rules of the Supreme Court)。见[法]勒内·达维德…|基于5个网页 更多释义