ring- Boxing started off in circles, and when the Marquess of Queensbury introduced a set of rules in 1867, he also introduced the roped-off square, which continued to be called the "ring." mistress- First meant "a woman who rules or has control," or a "woman who employs others, as...
1.the part of the leg on which a person or animal stands or walks.My feet are very sore from walking so far.pie 2.the lower part of anything.at the foot of the hill.pie 3.(pluraloftenfoot;often abbreviated toftwhen written) a measure of length equal to twelve inches (30.48 cm).He...
Furthermore, on the left hand as you enter the front door, is a certain room or office, about fifteen feet square, and of a lofty height;with two of its arched windows commanding a view of the aforesaid dilapidated wharf, and the third looking across a narrow lane, and along a portion...
An object of contempt to the rest of the household, he hated his brothers and father; in the games on Sundays, on the public square, he was invariably beaten. It was only during the last year that his good looks had begun to win him a few supporters among the girls. Unive...
忽略亚里士多德后直至19世纪一系列有趣的发展,我们可以将这一时段的许多逻辑系统刻画为下面的对当方阵(the square of opposition): 对当方阵中已经包含了许多不同“对当”的类型。一个句子的矛盾式(contradiction)是其外部否定“It is not the case that...”,一个句子的反对式(contrary)则属于内部否定。这些对...
38. D 【定位】.He will line up Monday in Antarctica (北极) for the first leg of the World Marathon Challenge - joining 32 other adventure seekers on an unusual journey 39. Over-exertion in extreme cold can lower one's body temperature to a dangerous point ...
In the teahouse, we met with a man sent to observe me. He had a square face and big ears, and was almost the same age as I am now. He was wearing a cloth robe and a cloth mandarin jacket, and looked as if he were in mourning. He was rather kind, and, as he looked me ove...
Differentiate using the chain rule, which states that ( d/(dv)[f(g(v))]) is ( f()' (g(v))g()' (v)) where ( f(v)=v^(-1/2)) and ( g(v)=1-(v^2)/(c^2)).( a(-1/2((1-(v^2)/(c^2)))^(-1/2-1)d/(dv)[1-(v^2)/(c^2)]))To write ( -1) as ...
the rule of emperor Zhengtong, Zhihua was the family temple for the emperors favourite eunuch, Wang Zhen. Though much smaller now compared to at its peak of 20,000 square meters, the temple is a somewhat hidden gem, nestled amongst a maze of hutong, 5 kilometres east of the Forbidden ...
The middle of the room was occupied by two square tables placed end to end, and on these Aunt Julia and the caretaker were straightening and smoothing a large cloth.On the sideboard were arrayed dishes and plates, and glasses and bundles of knives and forks and spoons.The top of the ...