Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie is the second animated film based on the Nickelodeon animated TV series Hey Arnold! The film premiered on television on November 24, 2017. Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie takes kids on the field trip of a lifetime: action-packed
PAW Patrol: The Movie is an animated movie based on the Nick Jr. animated series PAW Patrol. Directed by Cal Brunker, the movie was released in theaters and on Paramount+ on August 20, 2021. Outside of Adventure Bay, a family of sea turtles crossing the
Chuckie Finster, Kimi Finster, Susie Carmichael, Angelica Pickles, Harold Frumpkin, Spike, Fifi, Stu Pickles, Didi Pickles, Chas Finster, Drew Pickles, Charlotte Pickles, Betty DeVille, Kira Finster, Fluffy, Lulu, Lou Pickles, Dil Pickles, Phil and Lil DeVille and others - 'Rugrats', 'All ...