On August 11, 1991, Nickelodeon had launched three "high-profile" animated series: Doug, The Ren & Stimpy Show, and Rugrats, further signifying the importance of cartoons in its programming. Disney Channel and The Family Channel had also included animated shows in their programming. In each of...
Rugrats Rustavi 2 Sabrina: The Animated Series 1TV Salty's Lighthouse 1TV Shaman King IMEDI The Simpsons Rustavi 2 Sonny with a Chance IMEDI The Sopranos 1TV Strawberry Shortcake (2003) 1TV Teen Titans(first voice-over) IMEDI Voice-over. Teen Titans(second voice-over) GDS...
Rugrats Go Wild (partially found original 90 minute cut of Nickelodeon animated crossover film; 2003) The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (partially found deleted scenes of film based on Nickelodeon animated series; 2004)Game ShowsBrainSurge (partially lost Nickelodeon game show; 2009-2014) Double Dar...
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