tongue twister- an expression that is difficult to articulate clearly; "`rubber baby buggy bumper' is a tongue twister" anatomical,anatomical reference- an expression that relates to anatomy southernism- a locution or pronunciation peculiar to the southern United States ...
What is this language of force? Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Surveillance cameras.Kevlar vests. Drones.Lethal weapons.Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force.Rubber bulle...
25. a liquid with which something is colored, overspread, etc.: She gave the room a wash of pale blue. 26. the flow, sweep, or breaking of water. 27. the sound made by this. 28. water moving along in waves or with a rushing movement: the wash of the incoming tide. 29. the...
The room began to spin and my stomach began to churn, but I was able to remind myself that no one had ever died from eating two pot gummies. I had a pretty fitful night’s sleep, but woke delightfully not hung over the next morning. Jake and I were able to go hiking with his ...
a roof over your head a room with two singl a room with view a rope or rawhide hal a rose for marly a rotten legacy a rough voice a roval examine and v a rox a rubber ball a ruch a rural child a sas macro for stati a scarecrow shudders a scholar-gentry fami a science and tec...
Anon, you silly goose. You can’t breed sticky rubber! 1 year ago Anonymous Never tell me the odds! 1 year ago Reply Anonymous I forgot her eyelashes, frick- 1 year ago Reply Anonymous Pure sex 1 year ago Reply Anonymous Thieving bully ...
Mostly still rubber-suited people, but definitely not human shaped. Unfortunately, none of them really continue to be used in future episodes, so they are canon but not integrated species. njmckay· 110 weeks ago I’ve only seen bits and pieces of the old series, not enough to really ...
IItt wwaass nneecceessssaarryy ttoo uussee tthhiiss mmeeaassuurree bbeeccaauussee vveenneeeerrss ttrreeaatteedd wwiitthh cchhrroommiicc aacciidd aanndd bbeennzzooyyll cchhlloorriiddee lloosstt ssttrreennggtthh aass aa rreessuulltt o...
Porter WaggonerRubber RoomV/A - Wavy GravyBeware Joe Meek & The Blue MenDribcot's Space BoatI Hear A New WorldRPM The ShaggsMy Pal Foot FootShaggs' Own ThingRed Rooster WeirdPod010 - The Planets All Stand Still 04_06 Making No-Nos and Finding ILL(i)N(o)ISs with the Sweet Sexy Smu...
7. to face or afford a view: The room looks out on the garden. 8. to tend, as in bearing or significance: Conditions look toward war. v.t. 9. to give (someone) a look: Can you look me in the eye and say that? 10. to have an appearance appropriate to or befitting: to loo...