The Royal Society is one of the world's oldest and most prestigious scientific bodies, but what has it done in recent decades? Increasingly marginalised by postwar developments and the reforms of civil science in the 1960s, the Society was at risk of resting on its laurels. Instead, it foun...
Royal Society- an honorary English society (formalized in 1660 and given a royal charter by Charles II in 1662) through which the British government has supported science Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge honorary society,academy- an institution for the advancement of art or ...
《The journal Royal Society Open Science》:人类的喜好引导了犬类眼睛颜色的进化自从15,000 到 50,000 年前的犬科动物被驯化以来,人类无论有意识还是无意识地都选择了狗的特定特征。比如,科学家此前发现,狗进化出了特殊的面部肌肉,使它们能够做出悲伤的表情,从而引发人类的怜悯反应,从而使这些狗具有优势。现在研...
凯尔是皇家学会会员.【英国皇家学会】(Royal Society)是英国资助科学发展的组织。成立于1660年。并于 1662年、1663年、1669年领到皇家的各种特许证。英女皇是学会的保护人。全称“伦敦皇家自然知识促进学会”。学会宗旨是促进自然科学的发展。它是世界上历史最长而又从未中断过的科学学会。它在英国起着全国...
The Royal Society: Science is for Everybodydoi:10.1080/03073289.1987.10805627RoutledgeInternational Journal of Health Promotion and Education
"China is out on its own, far ahead of the pack, " said James Wilsdon, science policy director at the Royal Society in London. “中国独占鳌头,遥遥领先于其它国家,”英国皇家学会(RoyalSociety)的科学政策主管詹姆斯•威尔斯顿(JamesWilsdon)表示。 7. The Royal Society, Britain'...
of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, as well as News and Views, reviews, news, features, commentaries, web focuses and more, covering all branches of science and how science impacts upon all aspects of society and life....
《笔记和记录-英国皇家学会科学史杂志》(Notes And Records-the Royal Society Journal Of The History Of Science)是一本以HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由The Royal Society出版商创刊于1938年,刊期Tri-annual。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY ...
该出版社的两个期刊,Royal Society Open Science and Open Biology,是完全开放的。 10 投稿经验 网友1: 我最近刚投了一篇分享下经验。期刊是个很好的期刊,综合性比较强,所以其实收的内容很杂。我比较了解的方向,跟医学相关的数值分析/数学建模/统计学分析都可以尝试。至于期刊定位,其实国内中科院分区对the royal ...
期刊官方网址: 期刊投稿地址: 自引率:4.00% 研究方向:生物-进化生物学 出版地区:ENGLAND SCI期刊coverage:Science Citation Index Expanded(科学引文索引扩展) NCBI查询:PubMed Central (PMC)链接全文检索(pubmed central) 专业编辑在线一...