Hull, Duncan
Define The Royal Society. The Royal Society synonyms, The Royal Society pronunciation, The Royal Society translation, English dictionary definition of The Royal Society. n an association founded in England by Charles II in 1660 to promote research in the
The Royal Society is the second album by the British psychobilly band The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster, released in the UK on October 25, 2004, on the No Death label. 以上来源于:Wikipedia the royal society 例句 1.Kehr is a fellow of the Royal Society. 凯尔是皇家学会会员。 2.The C...
The Royal Society is the second album by the British psychobilly band The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster, released in the UK on October 25, 2004, on the No Death label. 以上来源于:Wikipedia 学习怎么用 双语例句 用作名词(n.) Kehr is a fellow of the Royal Society. ...
(redirected fromFellow of the Royal Society Canada) Fel·low of the Roy·al So·ci·ety (Can·a·da) (F.R.S.C.)(felō royăl sŏ-sīĕ-tē kană-dă) An elected member the the learned organization dedication to the promulgation of science and the humanities in Canada. ...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to royal: royal familyroy·al (roi′əl) adj. 1. Of or relating to a monarch. 2. Of the rank of a monarch. 3. Of, relating to, or in the service of a kingdom. 4. Issued or ... Image from Wikimedia Commons:- More info here:
Incentives for information production and consumption 前面提到过,在线平台的激励措施有极大的引导性,在塑造我们如何以及为什么访问、制造和参与在线内容方面发挥着重要作用。现有的激励措施大致可按照目标分为两类:公共利益与私有利益。例如,NHS、BBC 和 Wikipedia 整体上属于公共利益型,各大报社、学术期刊和社交媒体整体...
Paris erupted in rioting as a result, and Anne was forced, under intense pressure, to free Broussel. Moreover, on the night of 9–10 February 1651, when Louis was twelve, a mob of angry Parisians broke into the royal palace and demanded to see their king. Led into the royal bed-...
Wikipedia Related to monarchy:Absolute monarchy,British monarchy mon·ar·chy (mŏn′ər-kē, -är′-)·ar·chies 1.Government by a monarch. 2.A state ruled or headed by a monarch. [Middle Englishmonarchie, from Old French, from Latinmonarchia, from Greekmonarkhiā, frommo...