伊丽莎白女王二世皇家勋章( the Royal Family Order of Queen Elizabeth II),是由英国女王伊丽莎白女王二世授予英国王室女性成员的荣誉勋章,并在正式场合佩戴。勋章珐琅为底,绘有年轻的女王肖像,上面装饰的红色都铎王冠,周围被钻石环绕,最下面则是淡黄色的蝴蝶结丝绸凯特王妃和黛安娜王妃,以及韦塞克斯伯爵夫人等很多重要...
根据第一段“Queen Elizabeth II, who ascended the British throne at 25, has passed away at the age of 96.(25岁登基的英国女王伊丽莎白二世去世,享年96岁)”以及第二段“On Sept. 8, the official Twitter account belonging to the royal family confirmed the news, writing, “The Queen died ...
Royal shares diagnosis after weeks of speculation over her long absence from public Previous pageYou are on page1Next page Queen Elizabeth II Elizabeth II: an appreciation by Simon Schama ObituaryQueen Elizabeth II Queen Elizabeth II: April 21 1926-September 8 2022 ...
愿女王陛下安息。 STATEMENT ON THE PASSING OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN TRANSCRIPT 09 Sep 2022 Prime Minister The passing of Her Majesty The Queen; E&OE With the passing of Queen Elizabeth the Second, an historic reign an...
Queen Elizabeth II and Her Corgis May Be the Greatest Love Story of All Time The royal family may have gained Prince Louis in April of 2018, but it also lost a very important member. When Queen Elizabeth's beloved corgi Willow died at the age of 14, it marked the last in a long lin...
People in the UK are enjoying a four-day holiday as part of the celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. Sam Ajubileecelebrates the anniversary of a special event, and the word is mostly associated with t...
The British are normally perceived as showing little emotion and maintaining a “stiff upper lip” in the midst of any personal crisis, and the royal family is no exception. Queen Elizabeth II only rarely opens up about herself, and she’s had only one sit-down TV interview in her entire...
By the time the war ended in 1945, the royal family had hidden there for about 6 years.Windsor Castle was the private home of Queen Elizabeth II. She (82)___ most of her private weekends there. Also, Windsor Castle is open to the (83)___. Visitors can look at some of the finest...
By the time the war ended in 1945, the royal family had hidden there for about 6 years.Windsor Castle was the private home of Queen Elizabeth II. She (82) ___ most her private weekends there. Also, Windso Castle is (80) to the (83) ___. Visitors can look at some of the fine...
英国女王伊丽莎白二世和王室 历史图解 英文原版 Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family 英文版 DK 进口英语书籍 作者:DK出版社:DK出版时间:2021年10月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥169.00 配送至 广东广州市 至北京市东城区 服务 由“瑞雅图书专营店”发货,并提供售后服务。