The Routledge Handbook of Translation History presents the first comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of this multi-faceted disciplinary area and serves both as an introduction to carrying out research into translation and interpreting history and as a key point of reference for some of its main...
1.书名:The Routledge Handbook of the History of Translation Studies Edited by Anne Lange, Daniele Monticelli, Christopher Rundle 2.预览页: 3.其他信息: 摘要:《劳特利奇翻译研究史手册》是对翻译和口…
预订The Routledge Handbook of the History of Translation Studies Routledge 翻译研究史手册: 9781138388055 国外库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货 作者:||出版社:Routledge出版时间:2024年03月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥3089 配送至 北京 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“中国进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供...
Review of Rundle (2022): The Routledge Handbook of Translation History:doi:10.1075/target.22071.cheLi ChenSichuan University011ashp19John Benjamins Publishing CompanyTarget
Translation always faces various ethics issues. Ethics in translation has attracted widespread attention from researchers around the world. The Routledge H
出版社: Routledge; 1版 出版年: 2020-7 Introduction to The Routledge Handbook of Language Contact Evangelia Adamou and Yaron Matras Rationale With The Routledge Handbook of Language Contact, our goal is to provide an overview of the state of the art of current research into contact linguistic...
It is in this context that The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation (RHCT) has been planned and published. 机译:随着中国作为超级大国的崛起,从中文到其他语言(反之亦然)的翻译实践迫切需要。在从不同角度对翻译进行理论化,为翻译实践建立策略以及对中文翻译历史进行调查方面,已经进行了大量有关中文...
The Routledge Handbook of Translation, Feminism and Gender provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of feminism and gender awareness in translation and translation studies today. Bringing together work from more than 20 different countries-from Russia to Chile, Yemen, Turkey, China, India...
References (2) Holmes, James S.1988.The Name and Nature of Translation Studies. InTranslated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies, ed. byJ.S. Holmes, 67–80. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Pym, Anthony.1988.Method in Translation History. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing. 1–2....
The Handbook also looks at widening the scope of Chinese Studies (Chinese psychology, postcolonialism and China, Chinese science and climate change), and some illustrations of innovative Chinese Studies research methods. The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Studies is an essential reference for researchers ...