Starring Bette Midler, 1979’s “The Rose” follows a self-destructive rock star struggling to deal with the pressures of fame and her ruthless business manager in the 1960s. The story is loosely based on the life of Janis Joplin and was nominated for four Academy Awards, including best act...
The Rose (1979) Directed by: Mark Rydell Starring: Bette Midler, Alan Bates, Frederic Forrest, Harry Dean Stanton, Barry Primus, David Keith, Sandra McCabe, Will Hare, Rudy Bond, Doris Roberts, James Keane, Sandy Ward Screenplay by: Bo Goldman, Bill Kerby ...
Janis, a Canadian film about her career using archival footage was produced. In 1979,the Hollywood film,The Rose, starring Bette Midler, was loosely based on Joplin’s life. In 1992,the biography,Love, Janiswas published,
Starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams as Noah and Allie,The Notebookbeautifully recaptures a heartwarming tale of young love that is tragically disrupted, only for the flame to be reignited years later. Based on Nicholas Sparks' novel, the movie's tear-jerking narrative and powerful performance...
The Rose is a 1979 film which tells the story of a self-destructive 1960s rock star who struggles to cope with the constant pressures of her career and the demands of her ruthless business manager. The film stars Bette Midler, Alan Bates, Frederic Forrest, Harry Dean Stanton, Barry Primus...
David Lemuel Keith was born on May 8, 1954 in Knoxville, Tennessee, the son of Lemuel Grady Keith Jr. and Hilda Earle. He graduated from the University of Tennessee with a Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Theater. Keith had a supporting role in The Rose (1979) starring Bette Midler, had...
David Lemuel Keith was born on May 8, 1954 in Knoxville, Tennessee, the son of Lemuel Grady Keith Jr. and Hilda Earle. He graduated from the University of Tennessee with a Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Theater. Keith had a supporting role in The Rose (1979) starring Bette Midler, had...
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century is a 1999 Disney Channel Original Movie, starring Kirsten Storms as the eponymous heroine. The film was based on the book Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century written by Marilyn Sadler and Roger Bollen. The film was originally conceived as a pilot for a potential...
The Rose (Bette Midler) 歌词 + 展开 歌手:Q;indivi starring RinOikawa 所属专辑:Wedding Celebration 歌曲:The Rose (Bette Midler) mp3 The Rose (Bette Midler) Q;indivi starring RinOikawa歌词 歌词出处:5nd音乐网 ...
He enjoyed small screen success performing in a critically acclaimed TV adaptation of Hamlet and with a starring role inThe Paper Chase. He also racked up a number of guest appearances on TV programmesStudio One,The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Here’s Lucy,KojakandThe Waltons, among others. ...