la pre´sence du corps dans la killing had taken place in S.G.G.'s house and that fourgonnette, le fait que le crime a e´te´ commis the pink blanket and sheet in which the body was dans la maison de S.G.G. et que la couverture rose wrapped came from S.G.G.'s house...
Even a few days before we reached Câsveen, in consequence of a strong report of the King’s death having prevailed, the chiefs of the Eeliaut tribes, living within the walls, rose with their people and shut the gates, with the intention, no doubt, of a regular pillage, or something...
Focusing on the relation between devotion to the suffering Christ and the progress of mass, rather than on the more formal expositiones missae, the essay targets the spirituality of mass attendance, what Bernard Chédozeau in 1996 regarded as “une autre forme de traduction par l’esprit” of...