The word “geography” has the root “geo-” which means “earth”. What does “geography” mean? A. The study of the stars. B. The study of the earth. C. The art of dancing. D. The science of cooking. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B。“geo-”表示“地球”,所以“geography”是...
The word "biology" contains the root "bio-", which relates to "life". Which of the following words also has this root? A. geography B. psychology C. autobiography D. biography 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 D。解析:“biography”中的“bio-”也表示“生命、生活”。“geography”中“geo-”...
1.(Other Non-Christian Religions) a variant ofvoodoo 2.informala person or thing that brings bad luck 3.informalbad luck 4.(Physical Geography) (in the western US and Canada) a strangely shaped column of rock vb,-doos,-dooingor-dooed ...
1.To grow roots or a root:Carrot tops will root in water. 2.To become firmly established or settled:The idea of tolerance has rooted in our culture. 1.To plant and fix the roots of (a plant) in soil or the ground.
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1.(Physical Geography) a long depression in the land surface, usually containing a river, formed by erosion or by movements in the earth's crust 2.(Physical Geography) the broad area drained by a single river system:the Thames valley. ...
root·age (ro͞o′tĭj, ro͝ot′ĭj) n. 1.A system or growth of roots. 2.Origin or establishment:the rootage of a political movement. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published ...
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Canyon de Chelly blends archaeology, history and geography, and is home to the famous attraction Spider Rock. Sabino Canyon Sabino Canyon is surprisingly green for a desert, and its hiking trail is one of the most beautiful in the United States. Taliesin West Once the winter home of architect...