Focus on short-term versus long-term benefits.Many studies measure outcomes under highly controlled conditions of a study and are conducted for a relatively short time period—often for less than 3 months. However, effects that may be beneficial in the short term may not be beneficial or may ...
d. to include, as in a business deal or card game. e. to blend (shortening) into flour by means of a knife. 45. cut off, a. to intercept. b. to interrupt. c. to stop suddenly; discontinue. d. to halt the operation of; turn off. e. to shut off or shut out. ...
Hypoglycemia is a problem for the LGA neonate because glycogen stores are quickly used to maintain the weight. Other common complications for an LGA neonate include hyperbilirubinemia from the bruising and poly-cythemia, cephalhematoma, caput succedaneum, phrenic nerve paralysis, and a fractured clavi...
Answer to: The medical term that means small, solid skin elevation is: A. macule B. pustule C. vesicle D. papule By signing up, you'll get...
aSpinal hematomyelia is the term used to signify hemorrhage within the gray matter of the spinal cord. This is a separate pathologic entity from an epidural or sub-dural hematoma where the hemorrhage lies in the spinal cord. Hemtomyelia has been described on a number of occasions arising as...
In breast cancer patients with BRCA mutations fertility and family planning are important issues since these women are often younger and have more aggressive tumors, which means they will be advised adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy which potentially reduce fertility through premature ovarian failure (...
Next, we compared the performance of 1D V-Net with the performance of the long short-term memory (LSTM) model described in Sideris et al. and with PPG scaling. PPG scaling uses the PPG waveform as a template shape and scales the magnitude of the PPG signal in a given window to match ...
This magnitude of effect means that ATAAD is an accepted indication for surgery (4, 5, 6, 7, 39, 46, 49), and no more than 2 patients need to be treated to gain survival benefit. The survival advantage of surgery versus medical management continues in the longer term (50, 51) as ...
Separation can also occur through hematoma formation due to venous occlusion and vascular rupture in the placental bed caused by uterine contractions. This is followed by the expulsion phase, where the placenta is delivered. The vessels supplying the placental bed pass through a network of criss...
This table provides an overview of the complications that were recorded from patients in the data set (N = 344). It shows that 143 patients had no complications and 201 patients had complications. The first row (Hematoma) shows 143 patients with no (hematoma) complications and 54 patients wit...