the room的第四章攻略,The Room Chapter 4 Walkthrough & Tips for Gamers1. 密室中的第一个谜题首先进入房间后,你会发现自己置身于一个密室中。面前是一张桌子和一个便笺。便笺上记录了几个数字,但并不知道如何使用它们。打开桌子抽屉,你会发现一个放大镜。使用放大镜寻找桌子上的微小细节,你... 本篇标题:Chapter 4 - I had three friends 注:段前带“>”符号,或是有主语开头的,就是游戏对话/对白,否则不是,我会把这些标记加粗以区分。 欢迎回来,接下来是我在这个游戏中最喜欢的部分之一。 Music - Silence(
The Room Two Walkthrough - Chapter 04, part 1 8:23 Autoplay setting:On The Room Two Walkthrough - Chapter 04, part 1 Zoom out, and rotate around the room until you see the camera focused on the table. Move around behind it, and place the viewfinder in the back of it. A compartment...
The Room 1 - Chapter 1第一章是教程篇,简单的要死先在场景里晃一晃,然后双击信封,拖出信件,印章处有一把漂亮的钥匙。按照教程指示,旋
(1&2): 不占楼,可点只看楼主观看攻略 122880 steam吧 又又又12138 刚刚通关the room4,网上连攻略都没有 分享4812 theroom吧 大悟还俗时代 终于《The Room 4》 《未上锁的房间:旧罪》 有消息了 分享15420 theroom吧 叶☆秋 The Room 1 全...
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 -Part 1/Part 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapters 5 and 6 Look over at the rolltop desk beneath the framed newspaper article. Open the drawer on the front to find a torn piece of an old photograph. Look at the table in the middle of the room and cast...
The Room 2 - Chapter 1 THE CRYPT 第一章依旧是教程关,不过相对The Room来说,这个教程关稍难一些。起手还是那些操作,点一点,晃一晃,到处看看碰碰。这一关有两个桌子,注意,不只是两个盒子,桌子也是有可玩性的。前面基本上就是看看信件,然后去另外一张桌子上的圆盒子那里拿镜片。小机关不难,拼个图而已。镜...
Desperate, Daniel grabbed the music box and slammed it shut. The shadow froze, and the room went silent. The door creaked open, and without a second thought, Daniel bolted out of the room, down the stairs, and out into t...
The golden door slowly opened, revealing a room filled with sparkling jewels, gold coins, and ancient artifacts. But Jack’s eyes were drawn to a small, simple book lying on a pedestal in the center of the room. He knew tha...
本篇标题:Chapter 5 - The Room 注:段前带“>”符号,或是有主语开头的,就是游戏对话/对白,否则不是,我会把这些标记加粗以区分。 欢迎回来。 你准备好了吗? Music - Brain Plague( 现在,我们到了这个游戏的最后一部分。