Welcome to the official Rookie Wiki! We are a free repository about The Rookie, a television series created by Alexi Hawley and aired by ABC. We are currently editing over 643 articles, and you can help! About The Rookie John Nolan, once the oldest rookie in the LAPD, has used his life...
"Sabotage" is the fourth episode of the third season of The Rookie. This is the forty-fourth episode of the series overall. Officer Jackson West’s relationship with his new training officer, Stanton, has escalated and he begins to work with Sergeant Gre
THE ROOKIESeason 1, Episode 13"Caught Stealing" INT. PATROL CAR - BRADFORD/CHEN, NIGHT CHEN is trying to stay awake while BRADFORD is doing paperwork. BRADFORDYou didn't nap, did you? CHENI didn't have time. I've got to find a new place to live. BRADFORD
Officer Jonathan "John" Nolan is the main character in The Rookie, portrayed by Nathan FIllion. He is a member of the Los Angeles Police Department, assigned to the Mid-Wilshire Division. He was a Police Officer I from Seasons 1-3 and a Police Officer II
THE ROOKIESeason 3, Episode 3"La Fiera" Previously on "The Rookie"... GREYOfficer Stanton will be taking over the training of Officer West. WESTSomeone broke into your home? STANTONSo, who are you claiming these days, D? WESTHe did something that really
The seasoned Shaq was The Big Guy and the captain, while the rambunctious Kobe was the rookie. Their relationship was frequently punctuated by fueds played out in the press. Now that Shaq retired, Kobe's become the face of the Lakers, with Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum sharing the role of ...
• Major Crimes • NCIS • Person of Interest • Quantico • Rizzoli & Isles • Rookie Blue • The Rookie • Scorpion • Sherlock • White Collar • Wolf Universe TNT Shows Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki! The Alienist • Claws • The ...
From Season 2 episode 5 "Fee Fi Fo Frookie" Featured video (August 2019) Rules & guidelines In order to participate on this wiki, you must abide by our guidelines, which can be found here, and the guidelines for our chat can be found here. If you continuously violate our guidelines, ...
Baccarat Blueberry, born Baccarat Bright Bruno and also known as the Brightness, Rookie Mage Blue, Baccarat the Bright, the Angel of Art and Mr. Bright, is one of the major characters in LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow - Harvest Saga. He is the third Rookie Mage of the Order of Flouri...
Upon landing the Ghostbusters are ambushed by a number of spirits and a secret trap door opens, causing the Rookie to plummet below. He awakes soon after and realizes that he must find the other Ghostbusters. Working his way up from the depths of Shandor Castle, he discovers that this ...