Expected behaviour: Since I have neither propers activated not allow quality upgrade, I expect flexget to download a given episode only ones. Actual behaviour: However, it keeps downloading stuff multiple times - and doesn't even write i...
Balloon Animals: A Video Tutorial by Ira Glass from Rookie on Vimeo. October 17, 2012 The Longest Story Ever Told Behold, Chapter 23 of Trapped in the Closet. October 16, 2012 Willis Goes Down A commercial for the latest edition of SimCity features an example of the Sears Tower being str...
Agent Michael. What the twating hell are you playing at, defending yourself to a rookie poster and having religious arguments with Agent Bellers…, out in the fucking open? This is Activism 101 you dope so stick to the script in the book we gave you and no ad libing. Agent Bruce. Yo...