More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 12 Words Whose History Will Surprise You 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments ...
Who were the ancient romans? Specially designed for kids, with voice-overs, fun facts and interactive games to help children build essential knowledge of ancient history at home and in school. Find out what life was like in Ancient Rome, learn about the Roman empire, the Gladiators, write yo...
How the Romans ended up leaving Britain. There were troubles back in Italy. One after another, officers in the Roman Army stationed in Britain decided that they could make a better job of things if they were Emperor. The best known of these men was called Magnus Maximus. ...
The ancient Romans were pagans. During different periods, there were varying customs. However, burial was rarely used in Roman times. The pagans burned their dead, and it was mostly for sanitation reasons. Christians were less prevalent at the time of the second century A.D., and the p...
Join us here at Nat Geo Kids as we check out 10 top facts about the Romans! Discover when Rome was founded, what the Romans built, what they wore & more...
The Romans are often criticized for being barbaric—and they were in many ways, but in at least this area they were more advanced than us. Hadrian was one of the “Five Great Roman Emperors” and arguably the greatest and most beloved of them all. He is known for the massive...
Caesar invaded Britain twice during the Gallic Wars – once in 55 BC and once in 54 BC. It wasn’t until 43 AD that the Romans conquered and ruled Britain, winning battles against theCeltictribes who lived there. ‘Crossing the Rubicon’ was one of the most important events in Caesar’s...
The Apostle Paul included a curious instruction for us in Romans 12:12: Does it pique your curiosity too? I can see rejoicing in the hope ofsalvationfrom death, the hope ofblessingsyet to come, and the hope ofinterventionin our lives. But HOPE in and of itself?
Prior to the existence of Christmas…Romans already had multiple celebrations around that same time of the year, as did many others around the world…. First, there was Saturnalia, which included feasting and gift exchange and preceded a December 25 celebration of Sol Invictus, a Roman sun god...
(out of 26) Swiss cantons; French and German are co-official in 3 cantons. In 2020, 62.3% of the population of Switzerland were native speakers of German (either Swiss German or Standard German at home), 22.8% French (mostly Swiss French); 8% Italian; and 0.5% Romansh. From Wikipedia...