The hormones oestrogen, progesterone, and lactogenic hormones rise significantly during pregnancy, suggesting they may also play a role in regulating the maternal adaptations linked to autonomic nervous system functions, including respiratory, cardiovascular, and thermoregulatory functions. Indeed, expression ...
One writer on how her sex drive was the highest its ever been during pregnancy, pregnancy threesomes, and the lows that followed after giving birth.
Role of Pregnancy Related Hormones in Lowering the Insulin Requirement in Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes,Sansum Diabetes Research Institute,Interventional,Phase 1
During childbirth, hormones relay signals from the fetus to the mother to initiate labor. Learn about the process of labor and delivery (initiation, continuation, and end of labor), the role of hormones in childbirth, and the function of positive feedback loop. Hormones of Labor Ever wonder...
Pregnancy is the main determinant of some liver diseases in humans: acute fatty liver of pregnancy, cholestasis of pregnancy, and acute liver failure in toxaemia of pregnancy. Pregnancy also modifies the natural history of other more common hepatobiliary diseases, such as cholesterol gallstones. Sex...
From an endocrine point of view sex hormones influence physiology in both sexes with changing roles during human life, from childhood to adolescence to adulthood and to senescence. Finally, societal factors, such as lifestyle and daily environment, can play a role in the dimorphic expression and ...
Experimental and epidemiologic data suggest a role for pregnancy sex steroid hormones. We conducted a nested case–control study in the Northern Sweden Maternity Cohort (1975–2007). Eligible women had provided a blood sample in the first 20weeks of gestation during a primiparous pregnancy leading ...
Pregnancy is the main determinant of some liver diseases in humans: acute fatty liver of pregnancy, cholestasis of pregnancy, and acute liver failure in toxaemia of pregnancy. Pregnancy also modifies the natural history of other more common hepatobiliary diseases, such as cholesterol gallstones. Sex...
1. The effect of the ante-natal administration of œstrone on the morphological development of the female fœtus (rat) was further examined: the minimum amount of œstrone capable of modifying fœtal morphology was ascertained, and the earliest day at which the effect could be induced....
In todayâ s Lancet Ron Gray and colleagues report an increased risk of incident HIV during pregnancy in Uganda. They draw on the unique research situation in Rakai to provide information on an important topic: does pregnancy increase the risk of HIV infection for women and if so is thi...