One type of immune cell jumps into the fray after body temperature rises, according to experiments in mice.#One type of immune cell jumps into the fray after body temperature rises, according to experiments in mice.Nature Publishing Group UKNature...
Since the end of the year 2019, the whole world is experiencing a global emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The major sectors including industry, econ
In this Review, we discuss evidence that vaccines can have a major role in fighting AMR. Vaccines are used prophylactically, decreasing the number of infectious disease cases, and thus antibiotic use and the emergence and spread of AMR. We also describe the current state of development of ...
falciparumcompared to children without a history of fever on the day of the survey after adjusting for age and location (OR 1.98; 95% CI 1.74-2.34). There was a strong linear relationship between the percentage of febrile children with infection and infection prevalence (R2= 0.9147). The ...
Reply to "Fever myths and misconceptions: The beneficial effects of fever as a critical component of host defenses against infection" by Cunha etal Kiekkas,P.Heart and Lung: The Journal of Critical CareCunha BA. Fever myths and misconceptions: the beneficial effects of fever as a critical ...
We review in detail the syndromes of factitious fever and self-induced infection, with discussion of 32 cases studied at the National Institutes of Health and the extensive English language literature. In addition, we describe the nature of the underlying psychiatric illnesses and present guidelines ...
Rash is the most common symptom of mpox, which may be preceded by fever, headache, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. The rash is mostly seen on the face and limbs, and can also appears in the mouth, anus, genitals and other parts. Anal rash is prone to bacterial infection, leading to...
患者,女,30岁。呕吐、腹胀5天,神志不清、胡言乱语1天。平素体健。查体:T36.5℃,P90次/分BP120/80mmHg。巩膜明显黄染,心肺未见明显异常,腹软,无压痛,肝浊音界缩小。实验室检查ALT520U/L,TBil215μmol/L,DBil138μmol/L。其典型的肝脏病理改变主要是 ...
Therefore, the present article aims to perform an integrative review of the literature relating the role of physical exercise on the immune system in the fight against COVID-19. For this purpose, the bibliographic study included knowledge about respiratory infections, influences of physical exercise ...
CMIs have played a promising role in the treatment of COVID-19.The most obvious finding to emerge from the analysis was that the symptoms of cough, fever, chest tightness, shortness of breath, fatigue, and other symptoms of the patients were significantly improved after a series of treatments...