The role of coagulation in water treatment. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineer- ing, 8, 36-44.Jia-Qian Jiang. (2015) The role of coagulation in water treatment. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 8 , 36-44 /Jiang, J.-Q. (2015) The role of coagulation in water treatment. Current...
The role of coagulation in the temperature-sensitive PVDF-g-PNIPAAm membrane properties: Desalination and Water Treatment: Vol 57, No 36doi:10.1080/19443994.2015.1084482PVDF-g-PNIPAAmCoagulationbathcompositionTemperature-sensitiveMembranesAn amphiphilic copolymer (PVDF-g-PNIPAAm) with poly (vinylidene ...
The efficiency of coagulation process depends on many different factors. Aim of this research is to investigate coagulation process under different conditions. During the research coagulation process was held at different pH values (5.5; 6.0; 6.5), at different water alkalinity and at different water...
The Role of Macrophytes in Constructed Surface-flow Wetlands for Mine Water Treatment: A Review Die Rolle von Makrophyten als zentrales Element von aeroben Pflanzenkläranlagen zur Grubenwasseraufbereitung: Ein Review El papel de los macrófitos en los humedales artificiales de flujo superficial ...
Electrocoagulation (EC) is an excellent and promising technology in wastewater treatment, as it combines the benefits of coagulation, flotation, and electrochemistry. During the last decade, extensive researches have focused on removal of emerging contaminants by using electrocoagualtion, due to its sev...
The role of physical-chemical treatment in wastewater reclamation and reusecoagulationfiltrationflocculationhealth riskspathogensphysical-chemical treatmentmembranepublic healthsewagevirusesThus, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the basic factors affecting the optimization of chemical coagulation-flocculation...
Quaternized polyacrylic polymer has many applications in water treatment because of its ion exchange effects, but its further industrial applications are largely restricted because of its poor mechanical strength. In this work, a magnetic anion exchange
Fusion bonded epoxy tanks are highly versatile, with applications across various stages of the water treatment process: Primary Water Treatment: These tanks are essential in the initial stages of water treatment, where sedimentation and coagulation processes occur. Their corrosion resistance ensures they ...
However, the water-soluble surfactants and oil-soluble surfactants play different roles in the structure and function of aphrons. Particle size and demulsification properties of CBLA can be used to prove its structural model which has great influence on subsequent migration and density control effects...
Hookah or waterpipe smoking or use is an emerging trend in the US population, especially among the youth. The misperception of hookah being less harmful than cigarettes and the availability of different but “appealing” flavors are considered among the main reasons for this trend. Hookah users ...