“Women in the Law UK is about supporting the next leaders in Law and encouraging career progression through personal development. The next stage is finding a way to progress social mobility in the profession and learning from our colleagues in Business” Sally Penni, Barrister at Law, Kenworthy...
This blog post is not about the merits of the WASPI campaignper se(or, indeed, those of the Government’s December 2024 decision). But I do think it’s pertinent that, as barrister Barbara Rich hasexplained, the ultimate goal of the campaign hasneverbeen clear: is it ‘full restitution’...
The campaign web site originally stated that “Men perpetrate approximately 90% of violence against children and by wearing nail polish, YGAP asks men to raise awareness, generate conversation and become positive role models in the fight against violence towards children“. I say “originally stated...
"In the middle of the Cold War, the United States played a role in the overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian government." - President Barack Obama - June 4, 2009 Written, Compiled and Edited by Arash Norouzi Years in the making, The Mossadegh Project presents the most ambitious ...
Constitution Unit DirectorMeg Russellis one of the authors of a new UK in a Changing Europe report,The Brexit Files: From Referendum to Reset, which was published today.In this post, Meg examines the role of parliament in the withdrawal process, andargues that the sidelining of parliament tha...
lives.I've been stuck in a funk for so long that I think I'm finally ready to hire a life coach.A: "I can't believe Stacy actually quit her terrible job and went back to school to study her passion, art." B: "Me neither. I hear her life coach played a big role in it all...
Written by a barrister experienced in publishing and copyright law and a former magazine journalist and law lecturer, the book addresses the special needs of the magazine industry and explains the laws that regulate and seek to determine what journalists can and cannot publish, and how these laws...
The Role of the ICC: Understanding International Justice FEATURED FIRMS Every month, TSL shines a light on a different law firm or chambers. If you are trying to work out which firms and chambers you should be applying to, our Featured Firm profiles give you all the information you need to...
counsel,counselor-at-law,pleader,advocate,counsellor,counselor- a lawyer who pleads cases in court ambulance chaser- an unethical lawyer who incites accident victims to sue barrister- a British or Canadian lawyer who speaks in the higher courts of law on behalf of either the defense or prosecutio...
Trump names Elon Musk to role leading government efficiency drive 13 November, 2024 10:35 am Gold price drops by Tk 2,519 per bhori 13 November, 2024 10:35 am Khaleda Zia's 10-year jail term stayed 11 November, 2024 11:40 am ...