咆哮的二十年代 The Roaring Twentiesusheredin an exciting time of social change and economic prosperity, as the recession at the end of World War I was quickly replaced by an unprecedented period of financial growth. The stock market soared to unimaginable heights,buoyedby the so-called Second Ind...
•TheRoaringTwentiesemphasizestheperiod'ssocial,artistic,andculturaldynamisminAmerica.Jazzmusicblossomed,theflapperredefinedmodernwomanhood,ArtDeco(装饰艺术)peaked,andfinallytheWallStreetCrashof1929endedtheera,astheGreatDepressionsetinworldwide.咆哮的20年代 •咆哮的二十年代始于北美,又受一战结束影响传至欧洲。后...
咆哮的二十年代 The Roaring Twentiesusheredin an exciting time of social change and economic prosperity, as the recession at the end of World War I was quickly replaced by an unprecedented period of financial growth. The stock market soared to unimaginable heights,buoyedby the so-called Second Ind...
The nineteen-twenties era bears many parallels to today. It was a fascinating period of time and you can learn all about it here. We have attempted to cover all aspects of the 1920s, particularly as it applies to the U.S.A., so we hope you enjoy the articles and images that will ...
看电影学英语--The roaring twentiesThe roaring twenties Today, while the earth shakes beneath the heels of marching troops... 今天,当行军的铁蹄震动地球, ... while a great portion of the world trembles... 当大片的世界… ... before the threats of acquisitive, power-mad men... 在这些贪得...
The Roaring Twenties 咆哮的二十年代 The Roaring Twentiesusheredin an exciting time of social change and economic prosperity, as the recession at the end of World War I was quickly replaced by an unprecedented period of financial growth. The stock market soared to unimaginable heights,buoyedby the...
Jazz music blossomed, the flapper redefined modern womanhood, Art Deco (装饰艺术)peaked, and finally the Wall Street Crash of 1929 ended the era, as the Great Depression set in worldwide.The Roaring Twenties第3页/共33页咆哮的20年代咆哮的二十年代始于北美,又受一战结束影响传至欧洲。后者自1919...
50K Learn about 'The Great Gatsby' era. Discover when 'The Great Gatsby' was set, the time period that it took place, and about 1920s society. Related to this QuestionWhat caused the Roaring Twenties? What was the Roaring Twenties about? What was the Roaring Twenties known for? What is...
Roaring twenties—the era of flappers, jazz and mass consumerism. 圣诞期间去了一次新加坡,来了这个亚洲Top Bar. 香港地产大亨CS Huang的酒吧, 走着他个人喜欢的上世纪20年代纽约建筑风, 让我直接联想到了了不起的盖茨比. 可能是我来过最美的酒吧了吧... 其实我对whisky不怎么感冒,不会这家的鸡尾酒🍸味道...