Elma Shaw's 2008 novel, Redemption Road: The Quest for Peace and Justice in Liberia, provides an important model for thinking through creative possibilities for individual and collective justice in Liberia after the civil wars from 1989 to 2003. This essay engages African women thinkers including ...
Although, as her Wikipedia page puts it, Kerr “is largely unknown to contemporary readers and her books are long out of print,” she had ten novels to her name by the time she was enlisted to work on this project and was a frequent contributor of magazine fiction. In theory, The Woman...
This game is really really good. I’m curious as to whether this is the same developers and game as the Road Redemption for PC from a few years back. In any case, this game is really great. It’s hard, has a bit of a learning curve but is very rewarding. Overall it’s a very...
1、“Two gates there are for dreams,” said Penelope to Odysseus after his ten years' wandering had ended. “One made for horn and one of for ivory. The dreams that pass through the carved ivory delude and bring us tales that turn to naught;those that can come through polished horn acc...
Suzy Spitfire and the Snake Eyes of Venus When outlaw Suzy Spitfire flies to Venus in search of a vicious serial killer, she’s looking for the road to redemption—but instead, she quickly becomes involved in a gang war, a revolution, and a desperate attempt to protect a young girl from...
"Sometimes, to save someone, you must fight them." "I'm not here to save their souls." "Honor once bound me above all else." "Fear, once named, controls no one." "The road to ruin, I've walked it once before." "I do what must be done." "What does one do with an abundan...
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When we embrace the hope, joy, and peace that God offers, when we trust in him with expectancy and resolve, when we pray for his power to be released in and through us, our lives and outlook will become radiant and alive[3]!
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He suffered and sacrificed Himself for our redemption - purchasing for us what we ourselves could not afford for an eternity with Him. So, if we are to save our increasingly violent and declining country from the chaos of this perilous road we’re on, perhaps we should humble ourselves ...