the legendary Lost City of Gold when they are mistaken for gods and lavished with riches beyond their wildest dreams. As friendship, loyalty and greed collide, they must make the decision of their lives: run off with the gold, or face risks and dangers to save the people of El Dorado!
The Road to El Dorado Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh, Rosie Perez 179 votes The Road to El Dorado is an animated adventure-comedy that takes viewers on a thrilling journey infused with humor and intrigue. The story follows two swindlers, Tulio (voiced by Kevin Kline) and Miguel (Kenneth Branag...
maurice hunt, joe johnston 101 kevin kline, kenneth branagh, rosie perez 178 votes the road to el dorado is an animated adventure-comedy that takes viewers on a thrilling journey infused with humor and intrigue. the story follows two swindlers, tulio (voiced by kevin kline) and miguel (...
When no one was looking, David snuck away fromThe Simpsonsto work at DreamWorks (The Road to El Dorado– co-director), Pixar (Monsters, Inc.– co-director), and Blue Sky (Ice Age,Robots– writing and boarding). But, he came back to the show full-time at the end of 2003 and direc...
The Road to El Dorado 2000•Animated, Comedy, Family1 h 29 min After following a treasure map to the legendary Lost City of Gold, two adventurers are mistaken for gods — and quickly get in over their heads. 6.9IMDb Public Enemies ...
The movie is the latest production of DreamWorks Animation, co-directed byVicky Jenson("Shrek"),Bibo Bergeron("The Road To El Dorado") andRob Letterman. It takes place on an underwater reef where sharks are the local gangsters, and run things from their headquarters on the hulk of the Tit...
and The Road to El Dorado, not only for the marks they left on us as kids but also for how we continue to appreciate them as adults. These days, few movies manage to resonate with both kids and adults like they used to. Inside Out 2 is a recent exception, though I'd argue it do...
(1992), followed by work on such other studio films as Thumbelina (1994), The Lion King (1994), Pocahontas (1995), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Hercules (1997), Mulan (1998), The Prince of Egypt (1998), Tarzan (1999), The Road to El Dorado (2000), Atlantis: The Lost ...
country code indicato country comfort inter country cuts lon country energy country inn suites ne country law country list country of birth country of exportatio country of georgia country orienteering country race country reports on hu country road take me country vscity countryies of study g coun...
Road to El Dorado (2000) Rumor Has It (2005) Saw (2004) Saw II (2005) Saw III (2006) Saw IV (2007) Saw V (2008) Saw VI (2009) Stealth (2005) Steve Jobs: The Man In The Machine (2015) Support Your Local Sheriff! (1969) ...