The Road to El Dorado Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh, Rosie Perez 175 votes The Road to El Dorado is an animated adventure-comedy that takes viewers on a thrilling journey infused with humor and intrigue. The story follows two swindlers, Tulio (voiced by Kevin Kline) and Miguel (Kenneth Branag...
Prime Video has announced the movie and TV titles coming to the service in August. The Prime Video August 2023 lineup includes new Amazon Original movies, TV series, and specials. Below, you’ll also find the titles coming to Amazon Freevee. The Prime Video August 2023 schedule includes Ama...
and The Road to El Dorado, not only for the marks they left on us as kids but also for how we continue to appreciate them as adults. These days, few movies manage to resonate with both kids and adults like they used to. Inside Out 2 is a recent exception, though I'd argue it do...
maurice hunt, joe johnston 101 kevin kline, kenneth branagh, rosie perez 178 votes the road to el dorado is an animated adventure-comedy that takes viewers on a thrilling journey infused with humor and intrigue. the story follows two swindlers, tulio (voiced by kevin kline) and miguel (...
When no one was looking, David snuck away fromThe Simpsonsto work at DreamWorks (The Road to El Dorado– co-director), Pixar (Monsters, Inc.– co-director), and Blue Sky (Ice Age,Robots– writing and boarding). But, he came back to the show full-time at the end of 2003 and direc...
//">The Wild Robot</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Kung Fu Panda 2</a> </li> <li> <a href="">The Road to El Dorado</a> </li> </ol> <p>...
Tulio, Miguel, Chel, Tzekel-Kan, Chief Tannabok, Zaragoza and others - The Road to El Dorado Spirit, Little Creek, The Colonel, Sgt. Adams, Bill, Joe, Jake, Pete, Roy - Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Spirit Untamed, Sinbad, Marina, Eris, Protus, Kale, Rat, King Dymas, Luca, ...
1st Jan: The Road to El Dorado (2000), 1hr 29m [PG] – Streaming Again (6.45/10) By The Daily US News / January 6, 2025 [Streaming Again] After following a treasure map to the legendary Lost City of Gold, two adventurers are mistaken for gods... Read More Entertainment Netfli...
Road Runners Narrator: Hugh DouglasDescription: A film depicting the transition from street racing by hot rodders to organized drag racing. 1952 Short FilmRuntime: 13 minutesExternal Links: IMDb The Cool Hot Rod Description: A Sid Davis film about the earliest days of hot rodding and drag rac...
Album of the Year for Fork in the Road (in a tie with J.D. Crowe & the New South’s album Lefty’s Old Guitar), and Song of the Year for the album’s title cut. The band was also nominated for 2011 Entertainer of the Year by the International Bluegrass Music Association. In 2011...