The Road to El Dorado Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh, Rosie Perez 179 votes The Road to El Dorado is an animated adventure-comedy that takes viewers on a thrilling journey infused with humor and intrigue. The story follows two swindlers, Tulio (voiced by Kevin Kline) and Miguel (Kenneth Branag...
maurice hunt, joe johnston 101 kevin kline, kenneth branagh, rosie perez 178 votes the road to el dorado is an animated adventure-comedy that takes viewers on a thrilling journey infused with humor and intrigue. the story follows two swindlers, tulio (voiced by kevin kline) and miguel (...
Road Runners Narrator: Hugh DouglasDescription: A film depicting the transition from street racing by hot rodders to organized drag racing. 1952 Short FilmRuntime: 13 minutesExternal Links: IMDb The Cool Hot Rod Description: A Sid Davis film about the earliest days of hot rodding and drag rac...
Indulge in a slice of tradition at Kays Kitchen, a Midwest gem serving up over 20 homemade pies baked to perfection for the past 50 years.
El Alamein (1953) Killer Ape (1953) Miss Sadie Thompson (1953) Bad For Each Other (1953) The Wild One (1953) Paratrooper (1953) It Should Happen To You (1954) Bait (1954) Charge of the Lancers (1954) Battle of Rogue River (1954) Drive a Crooked Road (1954) Wyoming Renegades (1954...
to the success of theLOTRfilm trilogy. This is a war movie and war movies, even animated fantasy ones, have every right to be serious, butWOTR’s dourness lets it down. Its focus on human characters means it doesn’t take full advantage of the medium of animation to unleash a truly ...
Tulio, Miguel, Chel, Tzekel-Kan, Chief Tannabok, Zaragoza and others - The Road to El Dorado Spirit, Little Creek, The Colonel, Sgt. Adams, Bill, Joe, Jake, Pete, Roy - Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Spirit Untamed, Sinbad, Marina, Eris, Protus, Kale, Rat, King Dymas, Luca, ...
Today, we bring you to the state of Pahang — the largest state in Peninsular Malaysia — to a location what used to be known as the El Dorado of the East: Sungai Lembing. Sungai Lembing was once the richest mining town in Pahang, as it was the second richest tin deposit in the ...
On a recent road trip from Arizona to Florida, I was privileged to enjoy some great scenery and views that our nation’s interior has to offer. Over the course of two days driving through Texas, for … Continue reading → More Galleries | Leave a comment Is The Porsche 911 The ...
Bacardi has always hewed to the middle of the low end road and focused on their core competency of making their various blends, until recently when they started putting out rums with real age statements; the Ocho and Diez are quite capable near-sipping rum experiences, for example. Even the...