The Road to El Dorado Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh, Rosie Perez 179 votes The Road to El Dorado is an animated adventure-comedy that takes viewers on a thrilling journey infused with humor and intrigue. The story follows two swindlers, Tulio (voiced by Kevin Kline) and Miguel (Kenneth Branag...
Credits (Film): Do the Right Thing, Pineapple Express, The Other Guys, White Men Can't Jump, The Road to El Dorado Dig Deeper Famous People Who Stutter Also ranks #25 on The Best Female Talk Show Hosts on TV And Deeper 51 Famous Survivors of Child Abuse 70 Josh Gad Hollywood, Florid...
Road Runners Narrator: Hugh DouglasDescription: A film depicting the transition from street racing by hot rodders to organized drag racing. 1952 Short FilmRuntime: 13 minutesExternal Links: IMDb The Cool Hot Rod Description: A Sid Davis film about the earliest days of hot rodding and drag rac...
Tulio, Miguel, Chel, Tzekel-Kan, Chief Tannabok, Zaragoza and others - The Road to El Dorado Spirit, Little Creek, The Colonel, Sgt. Adams, Bill, Joe, Jake, Pete, Roy - Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Spirit Untamed, Sinbad, Marina, Eris, Protus, Kale, Rat, King Dymas, Luca, ...
Had they continued down this road, they’d be little more than a mainstream leaning hard rock band. It makes an interesting B-side to “Running Free,” but we’re glad it didn’t make the cut for the band’s flawless self-titled debut. (BI) 161. "Nodding Donkey Blues" - 'Fear ...
Three varieties exist, the Añejo, the Cacique and the Antiguo, in ascending order, so this is a considered by the makers to be a middle of the road rum. All the rums in the range are supposedly made from molasses distilled in copper pot stills (I kinda doubt that –the profile ...
40%, the labels changed from saying “El Ron de Cuba” to “Mix Freely” and in the early 2000s this old workhorse of the bartending scene, which had been in existence at least since the 1970s and produced all over the world, was finally retired, to be replaced by the Anejo Blanco....
“Common Clean”, which places it in the pleasantly mid- to low-range of the ester charts (and therefore provides you with the advantage of not requiring expensive insurance against having your face ripped off, as you would with a full-powered DOK sporting off-road tyres). It is, of ...
The 12YO 2009 El Dorado rum, is one of the single still expressions which began to surface around 2018 or so with a surprising lack of fanfare. Most of these new products were from the three wooden stills, issued at 40%, with occasional outliers popping to the surface now and then – ...
123. Rogue's March (1953) 124. Battle Circus (1953) 125. Confidentially Connie (1953) 126. I Love Melvin (1953) 127. The Story of Three Loves (1953) 128. The Girl Who Had Everything (1953) 129. Jeopardy (1953) 130. Small Town Girl (1953) 131. Bright Road (1953) 132. Sombrero...