The Road Not Taken by Harry Turtledove 异星歧途 (美)哈里·托特多夫 著 无机客 译 哈里·托特多夫是当代“或然世界”题材的奇幻与科幻小说创作的先驱性代表人物。在他创作的诸多短篇与长篇小说里,他假定某个与已知历史不一致的重要瞬间会引发某种后果,或是让某种对我们所知的世界产生了不可磨灭的影响的技术提前...
异星歧途(The Road Not Taken)哈利·托特达夫(Harry Turtledove)入侵 当“不摧号”凭借超空间引擎而凭空...
The_Road_Not_Taken 英语诗歌赏析 热度: [英语考试]Robert Frost and Ezra Pound the road not taken诗歌分析 热度: 【文学课件】The Road Not Taken 热度: 相关推荐 THEROADNOTTAKEN ERICG.IVERSON (HARRYTURTLEDOVE) CaptainTogramwasusingthechamberpotwhentheIndomitablebrokeoutofhyperdrive.Ashappenedalltoo...
异星歧途(The Road Not Taken) 哈利·托特达夫(Harry Turtledove) 姚人杰 译 The Road Not Taken.jpg 自那天起,被诸神束缚着在蓝色地狱之中的魔鬼被愚蠢的罗克索兰人释放了出来,战火燃烧了整个宇宙 ——宇宙史 入侵 当“不摧号”凭借超空间引擎而凭空出现时,托格兰姆队长正在如厕。像经常发生的那样,这位罗克索...
THE ROAD NOT TAKEN - Harry Turtledove === Captain Togram was using the chamberpot when the Indomitable broke out of hyperdrive. As happened all too often, nausea surged through the Roxolan officer. He raised the pot and was abruptly sick into it. When the spasm was done, he set the th...
异星歧途(The Road Not Taken) 只看楼主收藏回复 纯蓝风衣 卫将军 13 作者:哈利·托特达夫(Harry Turtledove)翻译:姚人杰 送TA礼物 回复 来自Android客户端1楼2017-10-13 09:22 纯蓝风衣 卫将军 13 作者简介:哈里•托特多夫是当代“或然世界”题材奇幻与科幻小说创作的先驱性代表人物。在他创作的诸多...
I shall be tellingthis wit 分享2赞 纯蓝风衣吧 😜纯蓝风衣💤 异星歧途(The Road Not Taken)作者:哈利·托特达夫(Harry Turtledove) 翻译:姚人杰 35416 郁达夫斯基吧 TinaPappas 【科普】The Road Not Taken这是我很喜欢的一首诗~ 分享1赞 星游记吧 千幽静奈 【长篇】The Road Not Taken [欧美风/奇怪...
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Define The Twelve. The Twelve synonyms, The Twelve pronunciation, The Twelve translation, English dictionary definition of The Twelve. the twelve apostles. - Matt. xxvi. 20. See also: Twelve Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. &