1905年,他写下了这首诗《The Road Not Taken》,中文翻译为《未选择的路》。细读之下,我发现自己的心境竟与他有惊人的契合,这实在是一件值得惊喜的事。在此,我也希望把这首诗分享给大家,不知大家是否也会对它产生共鸣呢? 未选择的路 作品原文 &中文译文 第一节 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, ...
The Road Less Traveled (Book).Reviews the book 'The Road Less Traveled,' by M. Scott Peck.RogersMichaelEBSCO_bspLibrary Journal
The Rod Not Taken is one of the best known poems by Robert Frost, simple and beautifulin form and its meaning is deep.There are many different opinions on the theme ofThe Road Not Taken. Most of them think that people should not follow in other’s footsteps and should be brave in rese...
This poem is about the road taken, to be sure, as well the road not taken, not necessarily the road less traveled. Any person who has made a decisive choice will agree that it is human nature to contemplate the "What if..." had you made the choice you did not make. This pondering...
The-Road-Not-Taken--未竟之路_精品文档.ppt,Robert Frost;阮籍《咏怀·杨朱泣歧路》 “杨朱泣岐路,墨子悲染丝”。 阮籍引用《淮南子·说林篇》中的这两个故事,列于全诗之首,抒写他的心情,定下了一个悲慨的基调。人在纷乱的政局中徬徨。面前的歧路,可以往南,可以往北
The_Road_Not_Taken TheRoadNotTaken byRobertFrost publishedin1916inthecollectionMountainInterval,thefirstpoeminthevolumeandisprintedinitalics.Thetitleisoftenmistakenlygivenas"TheRoadLessTraveled",fromthepenultimateline:"Itooktheonelesstraveledby".BriefIntroductionofauthor •RobertFrost(1874-1963)wasborninSan...
从庞德的诗歌翻译标准看The Road Not Taken两译本——对比分析顾子欣和江枫译本.pdf,型■-■的深“化”,从形式上和内容上都更好地和原文呼应。 从庞德的诗歌 习【三“美”三“似”三“化”交相.辉映. 准看TheRoadNot 许渊冲教授的 “三美”、“三似”和 “三化”不是相互
and it is no less true today. Scott Peck revolutionized the way we live our lives and this book is valuable and sometimes brilliant in its insistence that there is no distinction between the process of achieving spiritual growth and achieving mental growth.Through this book, we can learn that...
David Brooks的《The Road to Character》叙述了几个难能可贵的人物事迹,为世人勾勒了一副他眼中的品格之路,或如万维钢所称的圣贤之道。书中所列的人物都是历史上的名人,包括作家,思想家,社会活动家,军事家及政治家等,不一而足。每个人都有自己的喜好,不少读者欣赏艾森豪威尔的中庸之道,马歇尔的的自律,玛丽安...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】The Road Less Traveled: A Geocache Log Book》,作者:,出版社:Independently Published。最新《【预订】The Road Less Traveled: A Geocache Log Book》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《【预订